
[hr][b]Hraesleg Lions Base Camp[/b]

Satisfied that her tail attack did its job, Val turned her attention back to the fray. She noticed that their captain had joined in the battle as well, her agility and deft swordsmanship felling foes within minutes. She wouldn't expected anything less from their young leader, and would just focus on keeping pace. That's when she noticed Urden making a charge at another enemy. This time he lifted him up, still charging with him in tow - and he was heading in the lamia's direction. With an rather impressive display of strength, he threw the cultist her way. Goodness! Was it some sort of strange human game? 

Having no time to worry about it, she quickly prepared to intercept the flung assailant. With swift grace, she ducked the top part of her body under the cultist, then caught them out of the air with her tail. Squeezing the air of them, she skewed them straight through the neck. Crimson flowed down from their wound along the blade of the lamia's lance, she then promptly removed it before tossing them aside. 

[color=crimson]"...This hardly seems like a good time to be playing catch..."[/color] She said toward her mercenary comrade.