[h1][b][i][color=A2797E][center]Sabine Bassard[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1][center][h3]and[/h3][/center][h1][b][i][color=FF9A4F][center]Leah Jordan[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1][center][img]https://media.tenor.com/72wuGTZtTm8AAAAC/ester-exposito-ester.gif[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/ktEJkOK.png[/img][/center][center][/center][hr][center][color=A2797E][b]Location[/b][/color]: Spaceship -> Into The Sunset
[color=FF9A4F][b]Skills[/b][/color]: N/A

Sabine took a moment to soak in the attention. Granted, it wasn't nearly as much as she hoped for (she came back with a freaking sword people! Like, get it together..) but it was great nonetheless. April made a big show of support highlighting how it made her think of She-Ra and making plans to cosplay. Sabine had seen the show (a show with substantial queer representation? Of COURSE she watched it), so she was on board. [color=A2797E]"Course we can do that. What a great idea."[/color] April even got her thinking of names.

Before she could mull it over, a blur of dark, curly hair got in her face. Leah. Fucking Leah. Sabine hadn't expected the girl to approach her, but here she was. Admittedly, Sabine was happy for that attention also. Leah rightfully asked why she had a sword all of a sudden. Sabine didn't feel comfortable disclosing its origins in public, so she opted for a white lie. [color=A2797E]"Right? So cool. A gift from my father. Probably to make amends for how this morning ended. You can touch it, I suppose."[/color]

[color=FF9A4F]"Your- Huh. Didn't think making amends was something he did."[/color] Leah did, in fact, reach her hand down and tap the sword once. It was definitely a firm tap, considering Leah was superhumanly strong, not that she was trying to shove Sabine back or damage the sword. [color=FF9A4F]"Do you even-"[/color] Leah turned her attention to the swarm of burning insects that April's... Friend? Seemed to be causing. Honestly, April probably had that better covered than her, so she turned back to Sabine. She wasn't even going to dignify that with her attention. [color=FF9A4F]"I always thought your old man was just some irredeemable asshole, honestly."[/color]

Sabine hadn't noticed the burning insects and, noticeably, panicked. It was hard to maintain your cool girl facade and be next to fucking burning bugs. [color=A2797E]"Look, be super cool about this but can we talk away from the literal fire insects please?"[/color] Sabine didn't let Leah decide as she peaced the fuck out, mumbling how stupid it was to be able to do that. What the fuck kind of school was this?

Once they were safely away, Sabine took a few moments to calm down. The bugs were not there. She was fine. [color=A2797E]"Ok, better. Sorry about that. Back to my father. I mean, I would hardly count this as redeeming himself. Whenever he fucks something up he uses gifts to fix it. Honestly, it's annoying you can't even imagine."[/color] 

[color=ff9a4f]"Yeah- That sounds like a situation."[/color] There weren't many people around them that were actively paying attention to them, and Sabine wasn't that bad to talk to, honestly, so Leah continued. [color=ff9a4f]"... At least you're not destined by fate to kill him. Agatha told me I'd have to kill mine someday."[/color]

Sabine took a moment to make sure she heard that correctly. Leah was destined to kill her father? Sabine could be annoyed by her father, sure, but she would never take his life. Hell, she would never take her stepmother's life either. If she were gone, Sabine wouldn't be able to make her life a living hell. So Leah had this rolling around in her mind. Rough.

[color=A2797E]"So like....do you want to kill your dad? Is this fortune like....a blessing or curse situation?"[/color] Leah had never really talked about her family whenever the two of them did converse. [color=A2797E]"You've never really brought him up so..not sure what to make of that."[/color]

Leah paused mid-conversation and considered her words carefully. More out of self-consciousness than anything else. [color=ff9a4f]"Honestly, I'd rather just never see him again. I- I thought I already [i]did[/i] kill him once when he- He shot and killed my mother right in front of me about... A week or two before I wound up here. Apparently, he's actually alive according to the wizard woman in the tent."[/color] She said, looking at the ground and not at Sabine.

Sabine didn't know what to expect, but she certainly didn't expect that. Leah's father killed her mother right in front of her. And Leah attempted to kill him. Rightly so, in Sabine's opinion. And then Sabine's mind went back to all of the terrible things she said about Leah. And the things she thought. 

God she was a real bitch.

[color=A2797E]"Fuck Leah. I'm so sorry. What an absolute piece of shit."[/color] Well, if they were trauma dumping...[color=A2797E]"Fuck it. I lied. My father didn't send me the sword. Apparently, my deceased mother did. But back to you...do you want to kill your father? If so I'll help hide the body."[/color]

Leah blinked and wasn't entirely surprised by the lie. A parent who was supposedly dead was something she could understand, but that still sounded weird. [color=ff9a4f]"I- Fuck. Maybe? Here's the thing about him. He's dangerous. You could pit Vision, Firestar, and fucking Thor again him and he'd be bored. That man's dangerous, and you wouldn't know what way he decides to be dangerous in because- Well, he's got this weird mental power that lets him replace 20-something years of study in something with an hour or two. Give him an hour and he could rebuild Ultron from scrap metal, give him another and he'd think faster than a supercomputer. He can do that with fighting too- If he showed up looking for me for something reason he- No one here would be safe from that."[/color] Normally, Leah talked in a very serious and profound way- She backed up what she said. But right now, she sounded downright worried. , She wouldn't say it outright, but the thought of Imperator showing up to AA [i]scared[/i] her. 

Sabine could sense the fear. It was palpable. And that concerned her. Leah did not show fear. So if her father was really like this....Sabine could see why she was so afraid. [color=A2797E]"Well, I'm not scared of him. Gonna be hard to do all that if I turn his brain to much so badly he needs to eat through tubes in his arms."[/color] Sabine hoped her bravado would be of comfort, but it was still hard. Sabine recognized her family was fucked up, but not THIS fucked up. [color=A2797E]"If he does come here for you, he's got to get through me first. And I'll be damned if I let some geriatric motherfucker take me down."[/color]

[color=ff9a4f]"Heh. Maybe... After I supposedly buried him under an entire mountain's worth of rock, I rode on a boulder all the way to here. I basically ran away from a pile of rubble by the time the rocks stopped moving. Agatha told me that if I didn't face him eventually, that would happen again- Me destroying everything and moving onto another place, and that it would happen [i]again[/i] if I didn't face him then either. It's some sort of cyclical shit and the only way to undo it is to finish him off, I guess."[/color]

Bravado was certainly Leah's language. Her spirits were lifted back up by that. [color=ff9a4f]"He'd turn this place upside down to get to me if he knew I was here... But he probably wouldn't expect some mindfucking bitch with a sword."[/color] She joked.

[color=A2797E]"That's right. Mindfucking bitch and a literal powerhouse tank. Can't be super smart if you are being punched in the face 500 times. No way he's finding you here. And even then, we'll take him down and ensure he can't mess with anyone ever."[/color] Sabine noted this was one of the first conversations with Leah that didn't end in them yelling at each other. It made her see Leah in a new light.

A genuine smile crept up on Leah’s face. Not an overly excited one, but a content one. [color=ff9a4f]"Yeah. We’ll fuck him up. Just do me a favor. Don’t tell anyone I’m telling you this, okay? My dad’s an actual villain. The mercenary kind. People around here might be able to trace where he is, and that’s a whole other mess of that happens. I don’t want this to be a whole [i]thing,[/i] you know?”[/color]

Sabine also smiled. [color=A2797E]"Girl, please. Everyone knows your thing is being a royal pain in my ass."[/color] We couldn't let it get too sappy now. [color=A2797E]"I won't tell. Promise. Now, what do we hug or...what?[/color] Sabine felt a warmth in her chest. It sucked and was wonderful at the same time. She didn't have bonding with Leah on her bingo card, but she wasn't upset.

Leah actually laughed at that. [color=ff9a4f]”Know what? Sure. Just don’t shred your arms.”[/color] Leah swing an arm over Sabine’s shoulder. [color=ff9a4f]”You can be pretty non-bitchy when you-[/color]


[hider=TW Child Abuse][i]She was on one knee, on cold sand, clutching her stomach. Her vision was clouded with blood that had started to dry on the sides of her face, and there was blood on her clothes and on the ground. Red sand was caked against her skin. She felt weak, she felt heavy. She was struggling to support her own weight now, having twisted her other ankle far too badly to stand on it. Her breath rattled painfully in her chest like glass in a blender. Three of her ribs felt like they had been broken, or cracked. She had to fight back a cough with every breath.

He stood over her, his black combat boots at the edge of her version. They were smeared in the blood she coughed up after he knocked one of her teeth out. She couldn’t hear his approach.

[color=silver]”Stand up. If this was a real fight, I could have killed you thirty seconds ago.”[/color] His voice was as smooth as glass, but dripped with what could only be described as bitter hatred for what he was seeing. It made everything so much worse, being under his gaze. She tried to stand. But her legs were too weak. 

After she didn’t obey, he repeated himself. [color=silver]”Stand up, [b]now,[/b] or I will stop being gentle with you, Mayra. Do you understand me?”[/color]

She tried so very hard to stand, but her leg felt numb from the pain. Only four seconds passed between him repeating himself, and his fist meeting the space between her eye and nose. Something cracked, and she fell unconscious.[/i]

[color=ff9a4f]-want to be.”[/color][/hider]


Sabine broke off the hug. She hadn't intended to see Leah's memories, but she had inadvertently. And what she saw was....horrible. It made her physically sick. What kind of monster does that? But Sabine knew monsters existed and that they weren't the boogie men that lived under your bed. They were the very people in under the same roof.

[color=A2797E]"I- I am so sorry Leah. I didn't intend to do that, I promise! I didn't mess with it either. God, I am so fucking sorry."[/color] Sabine felt herself getting on the verge of tears, both because of the horrendous thing she witnessed, but also because of how terribly she treated Leah in the past (and partially because of those fucking bees).

Leah flinched back as if she had been punched. She felt Sabine trawl through her memories, and considering Leah didn’t have many good memories, it wasn’t hard to imagine what sort of thing she saw. Her knee-jerk reaction spark a snapping noise in the ground. A fissure, no wider than Leah’s forearm splintered outwards away from them both, without Leah even realizing she had done it. [color=ff9a4f]”What the hell? I thought you-“[/color] She stopped midsentence, trying to reel herself back in. Sabine didn’t do that on purpose.

She caught her breath and tried again. [color=ff9a4f]”You didn’t mean to do that. It’s fine. We were just- We were having a moment. Don’t worry about it. I didn’t mean to shout at you.”[/color] 

Sabine could feel she was moments away from getting obliterated before Leah controlled herself. Sabine could hardly blame her. [color=A2797E]"I'm usually good at controlling that. I don't know what happened. It won't happen again. I can see why you don't want your dad here. From what I saw though, the next time I see him, it's hands on sight. That fucker doesn't deserve another moment of happiness."[/color]

[color=ff9a4f]"You- Fuck."[/color] It didn't feel good knowing Sabine had just witnessed Leah in one of the most vulnerable points of her life. It was mortifying in some ways and just anxiety-inducing in others. Leah, for a moment, considered just running off and forgetting about this conversation. But Sabine was actually being nice to her. They [i]never[/i] had a conversation that went this way. [color=ff9a4f]"You're right... He doesn't. Thanks. Now get back over here."[/color] She said, spreading her arms out so they could hug for real this time.

Sabine knew Leah was contemplating all sorts of things, and to her credit, she remained. Sabine had seen Leah in multiple new lights. Sabine also remembered Agatha's fortune. Granted, it most likely had to do with her mother (and that was something Sabine wasn't ready to face quite yet) but Sabine also figured she had to change some things presently. Why not have one of those things be her relationship with Leah.

[color=A2797E]"Baise-le,"[/color] Sabine said in her native tongue before moving to Leah and, rather than a hug, took Leah in and kissed her gently on the lips. If Sabine were being honest, she had wanted to do that before (Leah was hot after all) but the moment of vulnerability made it seem worth it.

Leah... Wasn't prepared for that. Her mind started racing all over again, but it was in a better way than just a minute ago. Sure, Sabine was a bitch, but she was carrying a sword right now... And Leah secretly had a thing for blondes. She rapidly blinked several times while holding Sabine's gaze.

[color=ff9a4f]...[i]"Fuck."[/i][/color] She said, after numerous seconds of being speechless, and just went in for another kiss, swinging an arm around Sabine's lower back and holding her there. Her mind simply wasn't in charge anymore.

It tasted so good and, once Leah had accepted it, Sabine went fully in. The two stood there, embraced and in the moment, not caring who saw. Sabine's mind was going 120 MPH and she didn't care. All that mattered right here and now was this kiss.

Once satiated, Sabine tilted her head back to look at Leah. [color=A2797E]"This is going to make things interesting in the dorm room."[/color] Sabine stepped back, adjusting her clothes. [color=A2797E]"Well, that was....good. Great even. Do you want to head back to the others or...?"[/color] Sabine let the question hang there. As far as she was concerned, the day could not get better.

[color=ff9a4f]"Not particularly... Flaming bees and too many people. How about we just- I dunno, head back to the dorms for a bit?"[/color] She felt like she was on fire after that, but... Damn. Sabine was a good kisser. [color=ff9a4f]"Let everyone else worry about the flaming bugs."[/color] She hadn't let go of Sabine just yet.

Sabine thought about it and, yeah, she did not want to go back to the flaming bees. Thinking about it sent her to panic mode, so she opted to be horny instead. [color=A2797E]"You know what, you're right. Let's go."[/color] She unfurled herself from Leah, taking the girl by the hand as they made their way to the dorms, not giving a fuck who saw them. After all, Sabine enjoyed being watched.