[center][color=7FFFD4][h1]Madalyne Crane[/h1][/color]
[I]Location: Avenger's Academy, Fairgrounds
[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1063984384832704654/1063985546298404884/e5ac6e7ba78293dc04be0e8ea17cb2e5.png]First Day Fit[/url]
Skills: N/A
Grimoire: N/A[/I][/center]

Madalyne stood there quietly as she thought about going somewhere else right now, Andy and Zarina seemed like a pretty close couple as she ran a hand through her hair. She wasn't really interested in going to the ship at the moment, there was a lot of people there anyway right now, and she didn't like large groups that much either but she decided to stick around these two for now anyway. She was curious about Zarina's armor that sounded pretty cool. [color=7FFFD4]"So is your armor like Thor's or something like does it come on when you summon your weapon or something?"[/color] Madalyne asked, Thor's armor did look pretty cool as well in her opinion.

Madalyne started to wonder how Percy's fortune was going, she looked between Andy and Zari. [color=7FFFD4]"I'd like to come if you don't mind me tagging along with you guys that is."[/color] Madalyne said maybe it was something that she knew as well to or something like that, since she had been at the school longer than the three of them.

[center][h1][color=32CD32]Diana Novikova[/color][/h1]
[i]Location: Avenger's Academy, Kree Ship
[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1063984384832704654/1063985546600390686/katherine-mcnamara-woke-up-first-california-earthquake-09.png]First Day Fit[/url]
Skills: Quantum Teleportation[/i][/center]

Diana's attention quickly turned towards April her face turning slightly red as she looked at Mai, sure they flirted from time to time, but it was more like playful teasing at least. She shook her head at the ship names that could fit the two of them and lightly nudged Mai and looked at her. [color=32CD32]"We are just friends who like teasing each other."[/color] Diana told her, Teddy seemed to still be in shutdown mode or something by the looks of it, seeing as everyone who had been poking Teddy they didn't get a response. Then she started to feel a stinging pain hitting her, and then another, and another.

She then saw a bunch of flaming bees that were all buzzing around the group, she never really told anyone other than maybe Percy but she was actually scared of was fire. Sure she did spend sometime around Danni who could manipulate fire so long as it wasn't aimed directly at her she'd just try and avoid it at all costs. Diana really wanted to get out of the area as quickly as possible especially with the area that was super confined like this part of the ship.

[hider=Roll Request]Roll for Diana to teleport herself somewhere else on the ship and away from the flaming bees.[/hider]