Clyde looked over at Jolteon was was staring at Max's Sylveon's ribbons with curiosity, which made Clyde chuckle and nod. "Yeah that's Flash, he is somewhat hyperactive twenty four seven. He for some reason wont stay in his ball no matter what I do. As for the battle, we are suppose to battle a dorm-mate so we could always do that now or later." Clyde said which made his Jolteon bark in agreement. Clyde then noticed that Max, and Clayton had their Pokemon out so Clyde decided to do the same thing, he held out three pokeballs sending out his Grovyle, Honedge and Gothita. Tia his Gothita looked around the room at all the new people and Pokemon and jumped in fright and ran and hide under the bed Clayton was on. Clyde sighed and walked over to the bed and pulled out Tia who was clutching Clydes arm for dear life. "Well the one holding me is Tia, the honedge is Excalibur, and Grovyle is called Queen."