A desperation measure.

The initial burst of speed one may get by physically flinging themselves into a dive-roll was good as a desperate measure to evade a strike, but the delay between finishing the roll, reorientating yourself, and finally attacking, all took too long, especially when one killed their own momentum when initiating that dive.

And, most importantly, it was easy to read. You could feint steps, could feint swings, but could not feint the effects of gravity.

Serenity didn’t turn when Fanilly dove out of the way. She continued three steps onwards instead, three steps that would carry her out of the effective range of the Knight-Captain’s sword. Pivoted once more to face her foe. So that's what it was. A mobile sword style, emphasizing the reach that a two-handed sword could give, while adding in some acrobatic flair. It reminded her of certain schools of spearmanship developed by the Nem, who’d utilize the relevant length of the spear, alongside their natural agility, to strike with unorthodox, rising angles.

It reminded too, of Lucas.

[b]“Two thrusts.”[/b] Just an observation.

Their positions were reset once more. But this time, Serenity did not charge. She simply walked.

Shield front-facing, sword hidden from view.

A calmer tempo, one to better respond to a mobility that could not handle a stalwart defense head-on.