[quote=@Spin The Wheel] It'd probably be hard to get a letter to a specific person in the nomadic lands so I'll get Abraham to come with someone else. Probably Alice because they has a fixed address he can actually get to. [/quote] Alice's office location is quite stable, since that sort of work has always been their primary focus. Abraham could rely on them the most for being still found in the same location. They come from Casperus, but they would still live in their home town in order to stay in contact range with their family. The wood elf side of Alice's family travelled out of the nomadic lands and into Casperus, settling down in whatever medium-large sized town was the closet to them, so it's also less of a trip to take. [hr] [quote=@King Cosmos] <Snipped quote by Hyyde322> I never really specified where Gideon had set himself up or where the adventurers guild was located, but I think it would make sense for it to be in Bradena. Casperus was likely his home nation and the city is obviously where he met everyone else, so I think he would have returned there after everything happened. We could say that he was the one to send out the letters to everyone else to come and reunite back where it all first started. He can use some of the adventurers from his guild to track down the people who are a little more out of the way or whose locations are less known; giving the letter to a party heading out to the nomadic lands and asking them to keep an eye out for an Orc ranger would probably work better than using a courier. If everyone is okay with that then people can come find him at their leisure, either heading straight to him or meeting up with each other in the city before going to him last. [/quote] I like this idea the most for getting the party together as a whole. They might have sought each other out as an individual basis, but Gideon's ultimately what brings them all together, since he has the resources to eventually get into contact with everyone. [hr] [quote=@Kassarock] <snip> I have completed my relationships info, going to post here in the OOC first to give everyone a chance to offer feedback or request changes before I add it to my sheet. [hider=Eskel's Character Relationships] <snip> [hider=Alice Windhorn][b]Alice Windhorn[/b] "Alice the Enigma, you know I'm probably one of the greatest minds on the continent, and I still haven't quite got them figured out, even after all these years. Their no mage, but they has an agile mind and knack for planning." There's some interesting similarities about Alice and Eskel. They're both highly intelligent, they both have something of a hidden core to them that they don't really show other people, and they both have a habit of spirialling out of control unless they have some problem to distract themselves with. I imagine they were relatively friendly, Eskel would have enjoyed treating Alice like some kind of puzzle for him to work out. While Alice probably saw straight through him and realised that a needy, desperate and sad little creature Eskel is under that front of arrogant superiority. Maybe they pitied him.[/hider] [/hider] [/quote] I like that choice for a dynamic between the two! They do have a lot of similarities, after all. I do think Alice would figure out the arrogance is a front, but I don't think during the adventure they would have pitted him that much, since Alice was considerably colder prior to the development they gained over the adventure. They might have eventually started to feel sorry for him as things went on. After everything that happened with Octavia, Alice pities him a lot over the matter. They don't like how others in general have treated her memory, as they view the praise as a dangerous redaction of history, but they also understand the fact grief is the main driver for a lot of their mates. Alice doesn't really know how to react to the grief people have been experiencing, since Octavia's death comparatively impacted them less, so it could be an explanation as to why they eventually gained some amount of distance.