[center][color=#008b8b][h2]Fionn MacKerracher[/h2][/color][/center]
[hr][@Raineh Daze][@Krayzikk][@HereComesTheSnow]

[color=#008b8b]"Against an opponent in armour, he'd be doing similar. Looking for exposed areas. Halfswording and using it like a spear for extra control, or outright turning it around and using it like a hammer. Swords like the two of you have, in normal hands, might be easier to beat aside—but you can just as easily evade the beat, come back around, and use the point control afforded by your weapon's inherent balance to seek out armpits, holes in visors, and under-protected necks easier than we can, in some ways, if they don't think to simply push your blade aside with a gauntleted hand."[/color]

Fionn narrowed his eyes at Nico. Surely this had to be some sort of trick.

[color=#008b8b]"Beyond that, Lilia's comment towards armoured opponents was about her [i]magic,[/i] not purely the blade work."[/color]