Kay had to agree with him about Manny. She may not have seen Manny herself, but from what she could understand of what John has described, she easily could imagine Manny scolding John at any given opportunity. "you're not completely useless. Your mouth still works if we need advice, info, make out sessions...." She smirked, saying the last bit under her breath. "But seriously, there isn't much happening right now so you taking some recovery time isn't the end of the world" she reassured him the best she could. 

Fia figured that Drake's idea was as good as anything they had right now, "okay. You got any gut instincts of where exactly I should focus my attentions to?" she asked him. She planned on checking everywhere but if there was somewhere Drake thought she should check more intently, then she would. 

Josh nodded, "quite possibly, maybe later I'll ask him but I guess for now the idea of letting everyone, including him to just rest and relax sounds a bit more important right now" he commented.