"Hmm, know me? I should hope so, although going off of those stories you hear, I doubt you'd recognize me from one glance" The ones she had heard had never gotten her image right. The tales of her appearance she had heard that would leave her baffled for weeks, some of them weird, some of them just outright bizarre. A lot of them were humorous and a lot of them were just for the better word flattering.

"I've heard ones that depict me as a seven foot walking bull, and that's not even the worst one" The woman let out a chuckle, it had been a while since she shared a one sided laugh with anyone. 

"I was never one to be the center of attention, but I am Yadira Bladesinger" She never cared for the fame her status brought her, especially when it came to jobs. If she could help it, she would usually keep it to herself.
