[center][color=a187be][H2]Septishock[/H2][/color][/center] Septishock awoke, and only in the act of doing so, realized that he had been temporarily unconscious. Looking around, he confirmed that he was still in the bridge of the ship, so they had at least not burned up upon reentry. Despite the damage that the ship was now reporting, they seemed to have made it mostly in one piece. Checking the scanners, Septishock could see from the readings that lifeforms were highly probable. As spacefarers, Cybertronians had a non-interference protocol in place so they would need to disguise themselves from the local wildlife. [color=a187be]"Scan for suitable organisms and make their beast modes available for everyone in the ship,"[/color] Septishock ordered the computer before getting up to assess the damage. He scrounged around on the bridge checking for survivors, helping those who could help themselves, and then telling them to take care of those who couldn't. Returning to his console, Septishock made an announcement, [color=a187be]"All able-bodied personnel, report to the bridge or to the med bay. Priority is setting up the med bay. The highest-ranking surviving medical personnel is in charge of the med bay."[/color] He turned back to the sensors to check for locations of the ejected stasis pods, which would be their mission to retrieve lest they fall into Predacon hands. But his eye wandered over to the growing library of native creatures, and one in particular caught his attention.