[color=6ecff6][i]Piracy's a crime and crime doesn't pay, and we go home poor at the end of the day,
But I'd rather live my life in rags, than be taped to a desk with a wife as a hag.
We live each day like there's nothing to lose, but a man has needs and the need is booze.
They say all the best things in life are free, so give all your beer and your rum to me![/i][/color]

Hums of what nearby people would assume to be some sort of sea shanty could be heard next to a pond. Webbed hands dipped in the water, there was a blue-haired lady who seemed to enjoy herself with the company of a few koi fishes that seemed to have taken interest in the woman. Stella Maria Esperanza, for those who she introduced herself to earlier. The Terror of the Seven Seas, The Great Mighty Beast of the Depths, The Dashing Plunderer of Shiny Goods, The Sexiest Creature of the Oceans, or so were the self-proclaimed titles she boasted to many with a grin.

The dragon-looking woman took a swig of a flask she provided from one of the pouches attached to her belt. It wasn't rhum for sure, but water would do for the moment. She let water dribbling from her lips down to her chin, finding the wetness to be refreshing. She had been waiting for quite a while before Lady Kyouko summoned them all. Being on land for so long, she could feel the unpleasant sensation of her skin drying up, hopefully not cracking. Don't get her wrong, she loved being out of water to explore new islands, but she still was a monster of the sea. So when she had nothing to do but waiting, she'd find herself a nice little koi pond to dip her hands and feet and refresh, the water making her scales glisten in the sun with a myriad of colors akin to the rainbow.

For most of the meeting, she would keep her antics to herself. As a member of the broad dragon species as well herself, Stella owed Lady Kyouko that much of her respect and focus at least. When everything important important was all said, she cracked a confident smile and looked around those who would be her companions for this journey. A myriad of interesting monsters, that was for sure. This adventure sounded promising.

[color=6ecff6]"Aye, there be somethin' I was hopin' you could answer, Lady. Ye been talkin' of "a huge Varjan fleet" earlier. How huge? Would they be able to wipe the island off with this armada? If so, why not call on the sea dwellers to sink 'em before they arrive?"[/color]