[center][h3][b][color=ff48a5]Mary Sue Sullivan[/color][/b][/h3][img]https://image.film.at/images/cfs_landscape_616w_347h/7106616/46-149344534.jpg
[/img][hr][b][color=ff48a5]Location:[/color][/b] The Gym
[b][color=ff48a5]Skills:[/color][/b] The Power Of Friendship, Stealth
[url=https://i.etsystatic.com/36775015/r/il/08f9ec/4116016970/il_1588xN.4116016970_effx.jpg]First Day Fit[/url][hr][hr][/center]
	This was a patently silly idea. that wa swhat Mary Sue was tuck with as she tried to steel her nerves enough to make her able to do do this. She wanted to be a hero, yes, but she still was plagued with what felt like endless amounts of ucnertainty. She didn't even know how to show something like this [i]off[/i]. Was she to try to make some kind of dream-esque landscape, and fool the likes of the heroes she idolized? Of course not. The best she could think to muster was a fog, something she could hide in. If she could sell her powers around deception or obfuscation, perhaps she could hone her body to be a weapon that depended on that. She didn't like it, but she truly didn't have anything better she thought she could do.

	The scene of her audition was simple, an open stage covered with golems det to try their best to detect her, with her standing in the center ready to disapear. She was fairly confident she could make a dense enough fog that would make her borderline unnoticable. A bit of her father's sort of analysis crept into her, telling her that the larger the particle she made, the harder it would be for it to be seen through. All she needed to focus on was making them stick around in the air and be dense as hell. She'd done a fair amount of private practice with her powers, so she really thought she could manage this.

	With a silent look towards the judges, Mary sue closed her eyes, and all around her on the stage materialized the densest cloud of faintly glowing flecks of golden light. Discerning out individual specks would have been borderline impossible for all but the most keen eyed, but they were there; this was not some solid cloud of light, but a confluence of tens of thousands of particles. Dropping to the ground, Mary Sue was intent on putting distance betweem herself and the puppets that were now set to look for her. very proud of herself, she navigated around the stage with a kind of smoothness and dexterity that she didn't know she was capable of.

	She positioned herself behind the first golem, ready to take them down silently and knock them out, only for her to realize very quickly that something was terribly wrong. The sounds of coughing were filling the stage, and the figure in front of her had buckled to its own knees. With a kind of shock, she quickly dismissed her own fog, and saw faint specks of blood sputtering out of the mouth of her target. A look of shock and fear crossed her face, as she hurried to try to see what had happened. Turning the doll over, she noticed flecks of her fog still in its mouth, and her eyes grew wide. There was something she fundamenntally didn't understand here, but clearly her illusions were far more solid than she'd believed so far. Unsure of what to do, she looked up t the judges, frozen. She didn't want these things to suffer, but they also... weren't people? She didn't know what to do, but she shook her head, and quickly realized that, whatever she'd done, it was likely because their lungs were all still filled with her sand. She closed her eyes, and focused on whatever was still keeping her power up, and shut it down [i]completely[/i]. "[color=ff48a5][i]I[/i]...[/color]" she stammered out, horror flat on her face as the scene around her, "[color=ff48a5]Had no idea tha that would happen.[/color]"