[color=lightgray][h1][center][color=firebrick]Violet[/color] & [color=AFB3E0]Charlotte[/color][/center][/h1] [hr] Violet's room was shrouded in darkness, the only source of light being the moonlight that crept in from her balcony. The air in the room felt heavy and suffocating as if a thick fog had seeped in, engulfing everything in its path. Lying motionless on the floor, Violet appeared as though she had been swallowed by the very fabric of her room. Her body was contorted, twisted in a way that seemed unnatural, as if some unseen force had molded her into the carpet itself. The room's silence was deafening, broken only by the sound of Violet's shallow breaths, which had finally calmed after a period of broken and helpless crying. Her tear-stained face revealed a haunting emptiness, devoid of any trace of emotion. Her eyes, once vibrant and full of life, still appeared hollow and vacant, as if something had sucked out her very essence. They were glazed over, as though a thin veil separated her from the realm of the living, trapping her in her own desolate purgatory. With great effort, Violet slowly managed to lift herself off the ground. Her body felt leaden, burdened by an invisible weight that threatened to crush her. Every movement was a struggle, as if an invisible hand pulled her down, refusing to let her escape. As she rose, her hand instinctively went to her mouth, only to be greeted by the metallic taste of blood. The taste lingered on her tongue, a chilling reminder of the horrors she had not only just learned of but also participated in. The surge of vitality that coursed through her veins sent shivers down her spine. It was a sickening paradox, for the taste of her own blood should have repulsed her, yet a twisted part of her found a strange allure in it. It was as if she had stumbled upon a forbidden pleasure, an intoxicating rush that mingled with her darkest thoughts. The repulsion and fascination battled within her, further entangling her mind in a web of confusion and despair. At that moment, Violet's very existence seemed to hang in the balance, caught between the realms of light and darkness. She was trapped in a dance with her own demons, their whispers echoing through the room, amplifying her torment. And at that moment, Violet realized that escaping the clutches of this nightmarish reality would require more than just physical strength—it would demand a battle against the darkness that had taken hold of her very soul. The sound of a gentle knock against her door suddenly filled the air. After a brief pause, Charlotte's voice followed. [color=AFB3E0]"Violet? Are you in there? It's me, Charlotte,"[/color] she called out from the hallway. Violet's red eyes turned over to her door. She heard a mousey voice squeaking as the sound of someone knocking echoed. [i]Charlotte...[/i] It wasn’t a familiar name to her, but nothing felt familiar anymore. She was surprised that someone had even stopped by, had it just been a coincidence or was someone actually concerned for her? She continued to stare at the door in silence, her red eyes piercing the wood as if waiting for it to catch fire or melt. Violet walked over to the door, her hand reaching with hesitation to the handle but instead it moved. Her fingers pressed against the door as she held it shut under her weight. Her head dipped low in shame as she managed to speak a few words. [color=Firebrick]“Yes…What is it?” [/color]The words emerged like shards of glass, sharp and cold, devoid of any pretense or warmth. The question hung in the air, a fragile bridge between the monster that dwelled behind the door. [color=AFB3E0] “… Thank goodness”[/color] She initially said to herself with a sigh then raised her voice to ask, [color=AFB3E0] “…Is it a bad time for us to talk?” [/color] Violet's head sank lower, resting heavily against the door. A shuddering sigh escaped her lips, her chest rising and falling with the weight of the decision she was about to make. The room seemed to hold its breath, an unsettling silence permeating the space, casting an eerie pallor over the encounter between Violet and Charlotte. With a mix of trepidation and curiosity, Violet's pale hand extended towards the door handle, her fingers wrapping around the cool metal as anticipation tightened her grip. Slowly, almost agonizingly, she turned the handle, each click echoing in the stillness, building an atmosphere of unease. The door opened, its rusty hinges protesting as Violet's room was gradually unveiled to Charlotte's searching gaze. As the door widened, a gust of frigid air swept from the room, swirling ominously around Violet's figure. Her red eyes, swollen and puffy from her earlier breakdown, flickered with a raw intensity, darting across the shadowed figure that was charlotte, struggling to focus on the shadowy silhouette before her. Her vision was still impaired, leaving her lost in a haze of uncertainty. Violet's pale complexion, like a spectral apparition, contrasted starkly against her raven-black hair, which cascaded in disheveled tendrils around her face. A prominent scar marred her eye, a testament to the curse she now carried, while her once-rosy lips were now stained a haunting shade of red, reminiscent of the blood that had once adorned them. She exuded an otherworldly aura, a haunting appearance intertwined with the darkness that cloaked her being. As the door swung fully open, Charlotte's scent wafted through the air, invading Violet's senses. She inhaled sharply, trying to resist the allure of the aroma, her breath hitching as the tempting allure of blood tingled at the edges of her consciousness. The intoxicating allure beckoned to her, its seductive power captivating her weakened self, though for now, she managed to suppress the primal cravings that lurked within. [color=Firebrick]"Sure. Come inside..." [/color]Her voice emerged as a fragile whisper, barely audible above the stifled atmosphere. Stepping aside with a subtle gesture, Violet made way for Charlotte to enter her room. Charlotte had been smiling when the door had opened. She immediately had moved forward eagerly to wrap her arms around her in an embrace. As she had walked forward, Violet’s appearance had not immediately registered in her mind—She had just been so happy to see the girl alive and without an axe in her face. However, as she wrapped her arms gently around the girl’s back, the details of what she had seen began to set in. Her expression changed out of Violet’s field of vision as a wave of horror washed over her. As Charlotte laid eyes upon Violet, a rush of recognition and disbelief coursed through her veins. She knew it was Violet before her, yet it felt as if she were standing with a stranger. The warmth of Charlotte's embrace faded as she slowly unwrapped her arms, retreating backward to create a little distance, needing to see Violet's face clearly. Her expression molded into that of concern. After a hesitation, she reached out with a trembling hand to touch Violet’s cheek comfortingly. She wanted to ask her if someone had hurt her or even simply what had happened, but she was left speechless. Violet's red and swollen eyes widened, their red hue gleaming with a mixture of surprise and disbelief. The touch of arms enveloping her sent an electric current through her frozen body, as if time itself had come to a halt. She remained immobile, trapped in a haunted moment that stretched into eternity. No reaction escaped her, no reciprocation of the embrace; she simply stood there. Charlotte's presence grew more tangible, her physical form pressing against Violet's, the essence of her being permeating the air. The scent intensified, invading Violet's senses, tempting her with a hunger she fought to suppress. Each breath she sucked in was deeper, a desperate attempt to ignore the insatiable craving that clawed at her insides, yearning to consume and satiate a primal thirst. A chill coursed through Violet as Charlotte withdrew. The expression etched upon Charlotte's face was one that was all too familiar now.Although Violet couldn’t see, she could feel a haunting combination of fear and disgust that Violet had felt countless times now. It was a look she knew she would need to grow accustomed to, a cruel reminder of the monstrous being she had become. She felt the weight of that look, a heavy burden that eroded her self-worth, leaving her feeling hideous, grotesque, and repulsive even to her. When Charlotte's hand reached out towards her face, Violet instinctively turned away, her body shifting as she stepped into the room, her back now shielding her from prying eyes. Her voice trembled slightly, cracking under the weight of the pain she felt.[color=firebrick] "What was it that you needed to speak about?"[/color] she asked, her words laced with a fragile vulnerability. Making her way to the vanity, Violet ignored the aftermath of her emotions. The room, once a haven of solace and tranquility, now lay in ruins. Items were strewn about, a chaotic testament to her inner turmoil. It was an unsettling sight, a stark contrast to the meticulous care Violet had always bestowed upon her belongings. This room, once her sanctuary, now resembled a war-torn battlefield, and Charlotte had ventured into the aftermath. With trembling fingers, Violet reached into the drawer, her touch fumbling amidst the disarray. She was grateful for her impaired vision, shielded from the fear and disgust she knew etched itself upon Charlotte's face. Finally, her fingertips brushed against the veiled headband she sought. Slipping it on, the thin mesh fabric helped conceal her eyes and, in turn, the disfiguring scars that marred her once untouched face. Turning back around, Violet took a seat on the worn couch in the small waiting area. Her delicate hands rested upon her knee, one leg crossing over the other in a picture of a poised lady. [color=firebrick]"I'm sorry you had to see me in this state. I've just arrived home from a very long journey," [/color]she stated plainly, her voice heavy with the weight of an apology.[color=firebrick] "Someone had been pillaging my belongings, and I have yet to tidy the place up. I hope you don't mind." [/color]Her words hung in the air, laden with a sadness that echoed through the desolate room, an unspoken plea for understanding. With a furrowed brow, Charlotte observed intently as Violet gracefully draped a veil over her head. She immediately grasped the possibility that Violet may have misinterpreted her expression erroneously. Truthfully, she was frightened about the implications of her changed appearance. If there was a scar like that right in the middle of her face, had she really been struck with an axe? If so, why was she alive? Why did she look so different? Her mind wandered back to the magic discussion that had occurred earlier in the day. and she felt herself grow uneasy at first. Then she just feel rising anger, no doubt with aid from the bastard Damien who had just made her blood boil. Charlotte positioned herself beside Violet, deliberately allowing a respectful distance to foster a sense of comfort. She took a moment to compose her rising emotions and focused on keeping an even, reassuring tone, [color=AFB3E0] “I do not want you to apologize. …I came here to see you after all. I feel no burden from seeing the beautiful face of my dear friend so please do not feel you need to hide yourself from me…There’s nothing wrong with you.”[/color] Charlotte gave her a warm smile and it was then she did take notice that Violet’s gaze seemed rather unfocused. [color=AFB3E0] “...However, I am worried about you, Violet if I am honest…I got a little startled seeing your injury. “[/color] Her voice grew lower as she dared to ask, [color=AFB3E0] “...Did someone hurt you?”[/color] Violet sat there in eerie silence, the atmosphere heavy with unsettling tension. Her body squirmed with discomfort, unsure whether it was Charlotte's presence that unsettled her or the shock of her sudden appearance. The air between them seemed distorted as if carrying an ominous secret, which it certainly was... Despite claiming to be her friend, Violet couldn't shake the unease that lingered, for Charlotte was the first person, apart from Roman, to extend genuine concern for her but that didn’t mean she trusted her. Caught in a perplexing dilemma, Violet pondered what she should disclose to Charlotte. Should she bare the raw truth, the weight of her mother's tales still fresh in her mind? The stranger that Charlotte was to Violet only intensified the internal tug of war, amplifying the concern that consumed her thoughts. [color=Firebrick]“You’re kind to call my face beautiful but I’d much rather a conversation didn’t start off with a lie. “[/color] she retorted, her words laced with an icy bitterness.[color=Firebrick] "I may be blind, but I'm not oblivious. Many have reacted as you have, and I suspect many more will follow suit."[/color] [color=AFB3E0] “It’s not a lie.”[/color] She interjected. With a deep breath, she mustered the courage to confront Charlotte's probing inquiry. [color=Firebrick]"The truth is, I don't know what happened. I am unaware of anything," [/color]she confessed, leaning back slightly, her fragile form on the verge of collapse.[color=Firebrick] "My memories have vanished, my sight has abandoned me, and my body is reduced to a sickly state. I can't even walk unassisted at this point. You seem to have known something though... Perhaps you can help piece together what happened. All I know is what Roman has told me."[/color] In truth, Violet deliberately deceived Charlotte about her level of awareness, Violet was reluctant to reveal anything else. The only person she would even contemplate confiding in, at this point, was Roman. But how could she ever come to terms with the information imparted by her mother? The severity of it all overwhelmed her, and a suffocating sense of isolation gripped her once again, convincing herself that being alone was the best solution. The mere thought of innocent lives being put into jeopardy because of her actions sent shivers down her spine, but she forcibly pushed aside her grim thoughts, refusing to confront them. Charlotte’s expression deeply saddened and her face paled if possible. She felt sick to her stomach after what she had heard. [color=AFB3E0][i]This poor girl…[/i][/color] She rubbed her knees anxiously, not wanting to lie nor upset the girl anymore than she had. If she told Violet too much and Calbert found out, that could also be dangerously.[color=AFB3E0] “ I’m so sorry… Anything I could do to help, I am here for you Violet.”[/color] After a deep sigh, she admitted,[color=AFB3E0] “ I overheard that you may have been attacked last night, and I was concerned for your safety, so I came here to see if you were…”[/color] She drew off and met her gaze best she could. Violet's shoulders dropped as she seemed to visually relax. [color=Firebrick] “ I appreciate your concern and your company. Probably more than you know. Roman was the only other to show concern so it's refreshing. It was very confusing arriving home with all the issues I had. “[/color] She paused as her voice dropped. [color=Firebrick]“ It was scary. I didn’t know who was talking to me yet everyone knew me. “ [/color]She sucked in her breath letting out a long sigh, [color=firebrick] “ I guess if you hear anything else, I would appreciate any information you could find out.” [/color]she paused [color=firebrick]“ Please…don’t tell Crystal. I can’t tell you why I feel this way but I just want to protect her from this.”[/color] [color=AFB3E0] “I’m always right next door if you ever need anything… Even if it’s late, I don’t mind.”[/color] Charlotte told her softly and then added, [color=AFB3E0]”...I won’t tell her anything.”[/color] She then fell silent before she spoke once more, [color=AFB3E0]”Roman, huh?[/color] She smiled to herself, recalling a little bit of what she had read in the paper. [color=AFB3E0] “From the Varian Kingdom. He's a good man for taking the time to care about you… I’ll put in a good word next time we speak.”[/color] She giggled a little at the end of her statement. Violet nodded lightly, [color=Firebrick] “I would say people's actions often speak louder than their words. Roman spoke with action. “ [/color] she said softly.[color=Firebrick]“ So I would have to agree. I appreciate the gesture of that however, I don't believe I am really a good match for anyone at this point. With this unknown illness, I seem to be battling, It certainly doesn’t make me ideal courting material.” [/color] Her voice trailed off as her tone dropped. [color=Firebrick]“ Anyways, It is getting rather later. Would you like me to get a guard to walk with you home?”[/color] Violet asked. [color=AFB3E0] “I will help you with this, Violet… If we can get the story straight and find out what ails you, we can take steps to help you feel better. There’s so much to you ill or not, and I am sure someone special will see that..”[/color] She rose up to her feet finally, then shook her head. [color=AFB3E0] “No that’s alright. It’s right there so I’ll just walk on my own…”[/color] Charlotte moved toward the door and paused, [color=AFB3E0] “Oh but before I go…Is that man with the silver in his hair really your brother…?”[/color] Violet paused for a moment raising a brow, [color=Firebrick]” I wouldn’t know…kind of blind.”[/color] She snapped [color=Firebrick] “ But yes, the mutt downstairs is apparently my half brother.He is apparently great at killing people…”[/color] She shrugged. Charlotte clenched her jaw, lingering in the doorway. She rested her hand on the side of it, lost in her thoughts briefly. [color=AFB3E0] “...Right. Sorry about that… Have a good night, Violet.”[/color] With that, she left the room and then soon left the house in quite a hurry. [/color]