[center][h1][b]Jaromir Zhu[/b][/h1][/center] Fucking hell. A [i]Black Eagle[/i]? Jaromir resisted the urge to let out a disgusted sigh as he boarded the DropShip. The last outfit he was with wasn't exactly flush with cash, but it hadn't been this bad. Unfortunately, Rasalhague had the only outfit willing to provide a BattleMech on signup at the moment, so he hadn't exactly been flush with options. Best to just bite the bullet and get all this done with. He found the briefing room, took a seat in the middle of the pack, and patiently waited for their marching orders. The briefing didn't do anything to help Jaromir's misgivings, but it could still have been worse. He didn't like that the CO was a Feddie, mostly for his own safety, but the commander didn't seem to discriminate too much. Yet. Though he was curious as to what the man meant by "real" battle, looking at him and the more middle-aged pilot as he did so. Something to ask in private later, if they had the chance. The briefing didn't sound bad, but Jaromir had heard better odds before, only to get bogged down in an absolute shitstorm. Like the mission that had fucked over his old company in the first place and had him running all the way back here. It was then that a few of his new squadmates began to speak up. So far? He wasn't that impressed with what he saw. The noble-looking Combine girl spoke sense, only for some prick to start going on about proclivities and...ex-mistress? Alright, so the two had history together. Kept boytoy? Nah. Too much resentment in him for that. Jaromir found himself nodding along with the next man to speak, piping in himself after the fact. [b]"I'm with him."[/b] He jerked his thumb in Karel's direction. [b]"Pirates don't get protections, and no one would give a shit about a bunch of two-bit raiders. Wipe them out and salvage what we can, I say. Locusts and Cicadas ain't worth much, but anything's better than nothing. Anyways, Commander, what've we got for combined arms support? Tanks? Aircraft? Nothing?"[/b] Any backup was superior to no backup, and having a few easy targets on the field would serve as good meatshields for the actual heavy-hitters. Though he doubted they'd be so lucky. At this rate, the entire mech complement available to them would be nothing but half-junked Urbies.