
And there was Rin flying a second time.

It was a cruel twist of fate that the girl so interested in reenacting the Wright brothers had flew so often. 

Rin's mind sharpened. How could she avoid this? Everything was out of the question because she was spinning so quickly.

What was her power anyway? Math? She perceived lines on a coordinate plane to make slashes. But how did they slash? Well, fundamentally, it was just a force. And if she had access to forces, then she had access to vectors. When your mind functioned with such acuity, you could pick out how the environment around you looked even if you were spinning. With a click of her fingers, she emitted force with when her vision settled laterally. 

She flew away from the trajectory of the long-tail's attack, spinning lessened from the sudden force on her body.

If what she needed was stopping power, then she'd use stopping power. If a needle wasn't enough, then Rin just needed a bigger attack.

With Shun acting as her flashing distraction, Rin generated a new shape. One infinitely more complex than a simple line. 3.14... times, even.

With her mind focused on the beast, a new shape formed upon her hand. One that spun and spun, its circular nature concealing just how fast it was rotating.

It was a god damn destructo disc and it was coming straight for the long tail.