[center][h3][color=0054a6]NAUTICA[/color][/h3][color=0054a6][b]Location:[/b][/color] Bridge > Island[/center][hr][color=0054a6]"Very well, on me. I swam around and there is nothing of interest in the sea in the near vicinity. If we lost pods over the sea, we will have to go further out, and I am not so keen on that without more swimmers around or knowing what sort of fauna is waiting there, so let's check the island. There is a good chance the pods' navigation system tried to route them there."[/color] Nautica noted, heading out the busted window again. As she climbed up on the hull of the ship, she was starting to notice the finer details of her new form. First of all, her legs seemed to form the tail of her alternate form. As such, the tail fin transformed into her feet, making her basically walk on stilettos. That would be less than ideal, something she had to keep in mind for soft and uneven terrains, like the sandy beach at the edge of the island. Her legs were also a good deal longer than she was used to. Both of those gave her the idea that her kicks were going to be mean though, what with the leverage and sharp point on the foot. She bet she could also run a good deal faster now, assuming she did not lamed herself in the process. Then there was moving overland in her alt-form. She knew she could hover in any fluid, including air, but she would really have to test her agility before she got into any serious action, the sooner the better. Speaking of, the jungle the front of the ship was buried in would be a nightmare to navigate for her. [color=0054a6]"So, any of you ever visited any place like this? Because it's going to be dark like the pits under all that growth."[/color] she asked her two compatriots, [color=0054a6]"Finding our own way is going to be a nightmare, let alone any pods."[/color]