[@ActRaiserTheReturned] Thanks for understanding. [@The Muse] Thanks for the well wishes. [@Emeth] Yeah, my apologies about disappearing. But I am now up to participating in this. [@Teyao] Thank you! [@Kumbaris] Thanks for allowing me back. I did write up a CS, and I may have gone overboard with the history bit. Either way I’m posting it for review, so please let me know if anything needs changing. [hider=Valentin] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/OUCBhok.png[/img][/center] [color=#9F3DB3]Name:[/color] [indent]Valentin Deng[/indent] [color=#9F3DB3]Age:[/color] [indent]28[/indent] [color=#9F3DB3]Gender:[/color] [indent]Male[/indent] [color=#9F3DB3]Race:[/color] [indent]Dhampir. A Dhampir is the rare result of a Human being turned into a Vampire while pregnant. While the mother becomes a Vampire, the unborn child becomes something between a Human and a Vampire. Once born a Dhampir appears Human, but as they age they begin to exhibit more Vampire like traits. By age four, a Dhampir has begun to grow fangs as well as their vision getting sharper. They also begin to become stronger and faster than a Human, especially at night. Conversely, there are several weaknesses inherited by a Dhampir. For one they are weakened in the sun, becoming weaker and more sluggish than a Human. And while they don’t have the same level of blood lust as a full Vampire, a Dhampir will go into a frenzy around the sight of blood. However, they don’t need to drink blood to survive. On a more spiritual side, the process of becoming a Vampire destroys the soul of the person being changed. As a Dhampir is not a full Vampire, this process is left incomplete, just damaging the soul of the Dhampir instead.[/indent] [color=#9F3DB3]Appearance:[/color] [indent]Standing at 5’8’’ Valentin is of average size for a Human male of Ysten. With skin grown pale from years of avoiding the sun, his complexion is almost perfect. What scars he may of had from fights have long since healed as Dhampir’s heal faster than a Human. On top of Valentin’s head is a short crop of silver hair that falls down next to his glacier blue eyes. While in the past Valentin would have dressed as a simple peasant, in his years since joining the Cerberus Cartel, he now has an iconic outfit. Clad in purple, gold, and red, Valentin walks about in a fancy suit, cape, and helmet. Besides aesthetic wise, Valentin wears this to block out the sun and maintain his strength during the day.[/indent] [color=#9F3DB3]Home World:[/color] [indent]Ysten. Once a world of vibrant fields and crystal lakes, Ysten has been greatly damaged. Misuse of the once plentiful mana of the world fueled many wars and many calamities. Great earthquakes shook the world, destroying entire kingdoms. It seemed like the end times had come, as more natural disasters occurred. This was also not helped by the rise of a Zombie horde created by a powerful necromancer, and that the Gods began to battle each other, many dying. It was in this darkest hour that the Humans of Ysten were visited by the Constructs, artificial beings from another universe. These metal Golems decided to share their technology with the Humans, showing them how to construct massive moving cities that could avoid the damage to the planet. But this was a great undertaking so the powerful sorcerers of man decided to create a slave species to build them. Uplifting various animals via magic, soon the Beastmen were born. The Beastmen would spend countless years building the moving cities, many perishing during their labor. But that would eventually pay off as about a dozen cities were built, the remnants of Ysten’s mortals quickly piling into these giant cities. Quickly the old kingdoms fell as these cities became their own nation states. For a hundred years these cities would cross the world, steering clear of each other. It was also during this time that the Beastmen slaves would rise up against their Human overlords. The rebellion would end with the Beastmen being granted person status, and most of them leaving the moving cities, looking for an alleged safe zone among the mountains of Ysten. However, without the Beastmen workforce, the cities began to break down. And worse still was the fact that the Constructs decided to return to their home universe. With no way of fixing the cities, chaos erupted as cities began to do battle over resources, something previously taboo. In the wake of this new destruction, some Humans have fled the moving cities, looking for the safe zone the Beastmen believed in.[/indent] [color=#9F3DB3]Patron Deity:[/color] [indent]Abyssius, God of Death, Travel, and Change. One of the few remaining Elder Gods, Abyssius was given the task by the King of the Gods to ferry souls to the afterlife. He managed to survive the great destruction by staying out of the Heavens, and walking the mortal realm of Ysten. He has a great dislike for both Vampires and Constructs as neither species has a soul, and as such he cannot interact with them.[/indent] [color=#9F3DB3]Champion’s Blessing:[/color] [indent]Edgar the Raven. A raven granted sentience and immortal life centuries ago, Edgar was a companion to Abyssius. However, when Abyssius finally picked a Champion, he had Edgar go with them. Edgar appears as a regular raven, able to fly across the sky. He can speak, however it is in the language of the dead, which few speak. Edgar can also combine with Valentin, granting him wings made of mana that allow him to fly around. However, like all other spirit bonding, Valentin can only maintain it for a few minutes at a time before being forcibly separated.[/indent] [color=#9F3DB3]Inventory:[/color] [indent]Besides his signature outfit, Valentin always keeps an ornate rapier on his hip. Also since leaving the city, Valentin now carries a satchel that houses various herbs, a few healing potions, a vial of poison or two, and a few pieces of gold.[/indent] [color=#9F3DB3]Magic:[/color] [indent]Valentin has no natural aptitude for using mana, however he did inherit a few abilities due to the unique nature of his birth. As a being with a foot both in the living world and the dead world, Valentin is able to see and speak with spirits of the dead. These transient spirits are all over the place, but can only be seen by those with true sight or necromantic abilities. An ability seemingly unique to Valentin is that he can combine with the spirits he encounters. While combined they share a mind, granting Valentin access to all their knowledge and skills. Valentin can only maintain this fusion for a few minutes at a time before his body rejects the spirit, spitting it back out. Within a few seconds of splitting up, Valentin loses all memory of the skills or knowledge he had while combined.[/indent] [color=#9F3DB3]Skills:[/color] [indent]Valentin’s primary focus in life was to be an apothecary. As such he knows a lot about while plants and their uses. With only a few scavenged items he can make both simple medicines or poisons. Valentin also has something of a silver tongue, able to talk his way out of a lot of situations or endear himself to others. This also includes his interactions with ghosts, befriending many spirits. Combat wise, Valentin knows the basics of sword fighting, Sir Adolis having tried to teach him over the years. But in most physical conflicts, Valentin will rely on combining with Sir Adolis or another skilled spirit. Valentin is also a skilled dancer, and can be quite acrobatic when the situations demand it.[/indent] [color=#9F3DB3]Personality:[/color] [indent]Valentin has abandonment issues. Having been dropped at a church doorstep as an infant, to losing his father like figure, Valentin has learned to cling to people. He is as such quick to make friends, getting along with most people. But he can soon become overbearing, becoming a little bit too involved. Still he makes a loyal friend and is always willing to help those he cherishes. A part of his nature that Valentin suppresses is his blood lust. Due to being part Vampire, Valentin has an attraction to blood. This can make him quite violent, especially if someone is bleeding. But Valentin has since learned to mostly control it, focusing his mind on something else.[/indent] [color=#9F3DB3]History:[/color] [indent]Madame Deng was a socialite in the moving city of Haddon, a single popular city. She would eventually become involved with a man named Demin, a mysterious businessman from another city. They would be involved for a few weeks before Demin revealed himself to be a Vampire, a species of soulless monsters created by an ancient necromancer’s spell. Demin would bite Madame Deng, turning her into a Vampire. The pair would then travel to another moving city, looking for more victims. However, Madame Deng did not know that she was pregnant at the time and would give birth to a son a few months later. The baby, named Valentin, would show no signs of being a Vampire, and as such Demin convinced Deng to abandon the child, leaving him on a church doorstep with a note saying only his name. Valentin would become a ward of the state, raised in a home for orphans. However, he wasn’t expected to live there for free, so he was sent to work at an apothecary shop as a cleaning boy. It was also during this period that Valentin began to grow fangs and found that he felt weak while in direct sunlight. But Valentin would love working with the apothecary, learning much about about herbs, medicines, and poisons. As such Valentin wanted to become an actual employee of the shop when he was older. But then things changed again when Valentin saw his first ghost. The spectral being introduced itself as Sir Adolis Deng, a knight of the ancient kingdoms that came before the construction of the moving cities and an ancestor of Valentin. Before Valentin could figure out how to react, he began to see spirits all over the city. However Sir Adolis was his constant companion, following around the young man. Eventually Valentin would seek the help of the apothecary, wishing to know what was happening with him. After hearing from Valentin and consulting his books, the apothecary would deduce that he was some variant of a Vampire, as those who are dead themselves can see spirits. Valentin didn’t accept this and ran off, only to be attacked by muggers. They viciously assaulted Valentin, until the spirit of Sir Adolis arrived. Wishing to help his descendant, the spirit jumped into Valentin’s body. The newly combined being had all the fighting skills of Sir Adolis, which they used to fight off the muggers. However a blow to the face would cause a mugger to bleed out his nose. At the sight of this, Valentin’s primal instincts kicked in and was about to try and bite the mugger. It was only with the mental support of Sir Adolis that Valentin restrained himself. Now convinced that he was a Vampire, Valentin returned to the apothecary. The old man had now deduced that Valentin was a Dhampir, or half-Vampire, as he did not burn in the sun. Wishing to guide the young man, the apothecary made Valentin his apprentice. Valentin would remain in this role for several years, learning more about his abilities in the meantime. He would figure that his ability to speak to spirits and combine with them was due to him being alive and undead at the same time. Things would be good for Valentin, even as the maintenance of the moving cities began to break down. But one fateful day, Valentin would arrive at work to find the old man dead, killed in a botched robbery. Filled with anger, Valentin would track down the robbers and kill them with his enhanced strength. After this Valentin would drift around for a while before being recruited by the Cerberus Cartel, a small gang operating out of the city. During his time with the gang, Valentin would give more into his violent side. The only bright point in Valentin’s life would be his conversations with the dead. Over the years, Valentin would come to know most of the spirits that inhabited the city. He would also begin to dress in a fully body outfit that blocked out the sun as to maintain his strength. However the world around Valentin was getting more chaotic as the leadership of the city changed. The new regime decided to crack down on crime, and ruthlessly began to kill of all gang members. Valentin would barely survive an attempt on his life, and with nowhere else to go, he fled the city. He would be followed by Sir Adolis as they roamed the wasteland, looking for the fabled safe zone. It was while traveling the wastes that Valentin would encounter more spirits, learning more about the history of Ysten. These interaction would attract the attention of Abyssius, God of Death and Travels. Impressed with Valentin, Abyssius would offer him the role of his Champion. Valentin would quickly accept before being bequeathed Edgar, a magical raven, as a blessing and companion. Now the trio of Valentin, Sir Adolis, and Edgar do the will of Abyssius.[/indent] [color=#9F3DB3]Extra/Notes:[/color] [indent][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bGdPKrIOosU]This is his theme song.[/url][/indent] [/hider]