[COLOR=GRAY][hr][CENTER][img]https://i.imgur.com/6D9fwnj.png[/img][/CENTER][indent][sub][COLOR=#D90037][B]Location:[/B][/COLOR] [I]Northern Cove - Dundas Islands, Pacific Ocean[/I][/sub][sup][right][COLOR=#D90037][b]First Class #2.73:[/b][/COLOR] [I]When in Canada...[/I][/right][/sup][/indent][sub][hr][/sub][INDENT][sub][color=#D90037][B]Interaction(s):[/B][/COLOR] [I]Ariel [@Lawful Newtral], Harlow and Calliope [@PatientBean], and Katja [@Zoldyck][/I][/sub][SUP][RIGHT][COLOR=#D90037][b]Previously:[/b][/COLOR] [I]Every Decision Hurts[/I][/right][/SUP]
[INDENT]It was over. Trace slid on the Firebird band and handed the Blackjack one over. They heard the others’ conversations, and their pleas for them to stay together as a cohesive unit. Venom spat back and forth, but Trace didn’t offer anything to it. Why should they? They just wanted their bridges a little toasty, not immolated in a nuclear blast. They gave the girl that walked up, apparently a displaced student here, a thumbs up when they lectured them on staying loyal. It was an awkward gesture accompanied by an eyeroll. 

Trace did give one last look over their shoulder at Katja before they made their way over to Firebird. If anything stung, it was losing someone wholly and entirely a good person. Still, it wasn’t as if they all weren’t trapped on this damn island together. They glanced over the new group with a bit of hesitation. If Blackjack was a carefully selected accumulation of different backgrounds, then this group was what happened when the leftovers were rammed into a casserole and called a “surprise.” They couldn’t get a beat on anyone immediately, other than one person that met their gaze. They gave them a fist bump and announced who they were and their pronouns. “Oh fuckin’ finally,” Trace said with a sigh on their lips. “Trace Whitelock, they/them,” and then they pointed at everyone else that wasn’t Ariel, “and I better not hear anythin’ fuckin’ different out of your mouths. Nice to meet you Ariel and Harlowe, if you ask real sweet, I’ll give you down low, but I got to run a couple of errands first.” They then pulled the invitations out of their coat with one hand and clenched their umbrella with the other. In the excitement of switching teams, they really hadn’t looked over the invitations. When they gave them a once over, there was hesitation in their walk. They’d been idly walking in that direction, but it came to a dead stop. “Fuckin’ what.” They glanced up and looked at those that were choosing their houses. That’s when they remembered something that they promised to do. A promise they’d made to a certain someone who annoyed them so greatly that they’d never hear the end of it otherwise. They pocketed their invitations and breathed deeply.

So, Trace held tightly onto their umbrella as they made their way toward the Ursus House. They’d been listening, they had heard not to approach a house they hadn’t been invited to. So, they preemptively spoke, [color=#D90037]“don’t worry, I’m not here to bloody try to join your house. I just have to tell her somethin’.”[/COLOR] Trace pointed at Calliope. [color=#D90037]“A quick in and out, and I’ll bugger off.”[/COLOR]
They then closed the distance between them and Calliope. [color=#D90037]“Can I talk to you real quick?”[/COLOR]

Calliope turned when she heard a familiar voice. She hadn't expected Trace to speak to her, figuring they had all but decided to do away with Blackjack. [color=F796A9]"Oh, sure."[/color] Calliope walked a bit away from the other members of House Ursus to give her and Trace some privacy.
[color=F796A9]"What's up?"[/color] 

[color=#D90037]“So, I’m sorry—”[/COLOR] Trace interrupted themselves, [color=#D90037]“this isn’t about that. This is—look I ran into Banjo. Don’t worry, the wanker didn’t seek me out or anythin’, I was just in the path of his fuckin’ escape. He told me to tell Blackjack that he’s out of ICU. That he’s just in hospital now and can take visitors.”[/COLOR] They paused. [color=#D90037]“I thought I’d tell you and only you, and you can… uh… let others know when you want. Get some alone time in with the piece of shit.”[/COLOR]

[color=F796A9]"Well, I appreciate that. For what it's worth, I still hope we can be.....I don't know..friends? Acquaintances? Either way, might be in separate teams but we still have a whole campus together. May as well make use of it."[/color]

[color=#D90037]“That’s what I’ve been sayin’. We’re stuck on this bloody fuckin’ island together. I’m not goin’ anywhere. You’re going to see my lily-white ass for the rest of your days here. Which—who knows—may not be long.”[/COLOR] They exhaled. [color=#D90037]“That aside—I just got one more thing—do you like Banjo? And I’m not talkin’ ‘do you fancy him over a coffee and chat’, like… do you [i]like[/i] him?”[/COLOR]

Calliope may have been expecting a lot of things to come out of Trace's mouth, but she definitely did not expect that. Hell, she had been thinking about that too. [color=F796A9]"Oh....well....."[/color] God, how did she feel about Banjo? [color=F796A9]"I like him. When he was hurled through the air I freaked out. He makes me feel safe and seen, if that makes sense. But...I did just meet him. And..."[/color] Calli's thoughts drifted to Coop, a familiar face and one that grew up very handsome, [color=F796A9]"There's another. Maybe more. But I do like him, just don't know if I feel [i]that[/i] way about him. Yet."[/color]

Calliope cringed a bit. God, this was so high school. [color=F796A9]"I sound like a bitch, don't I?"[/color]

[color=#D90037]“No you don’t, Calliope. We’re all stuck in here, and it’s like a thick hormone soup, and I’m bloody fuckin’ tired of it already.”[/COLOR] They gave out a flat chuckle. [color=#D90037]“It’s just, you may want to tell him that. He’s blabberin’ on about how you’re amazin’ and he’s a sack of shit. You may want to set expectations now before he gets too weird about it. Fuckin’ Christ, I sound my father.” [/COLOR]

They gripped the umbrella tighter. [color=#D90037]“But you’re right, we’ve been through a lot, and that’s bound to heighten’ emotions… obviously. Might want to remind him of that. Because you aren’t wrong about there bein’ just a slew of hot bodies around.”[/COLOR] They glanced over at the Canis House, which might not have been noticeable had they not turned their head to look at it. [color=#D90037]“You—uh—don’t want to dip biscuit too soon, if you get my drift.”[/COLOR]

Calliope laughed, surprised and happy that Trace was agreeing with her. [color=F796A9]"I will. He's a good guy."[/color] Calliope noticed Trace glance at the Canis house, wondering who it was Trace had their eye on. Rather than pry, Calliope left it alone, fully intending to grill Trace about it later. [color=F796A9]"Well now that the house situation is sorted, I'll head over to see him now. Thank you Trace. Hope we get to hang out soon, if only for a bit."[/color] Calliope heard Trace when they said it might not be long. But that was for Trace to decide.

[color=#D90037]“Yep, I got to go get accepted into Slytherin House, so you have fun. Tell him to wash his ass because I’m sure it’s disgustin’. Men always miss their asses.”[/COLOR] They lifted a hand as if to wave goodbye before lowering it. That felt too personal. They were just a messenger. That was all.

They’d put the decision off long enough. That’s when they turned towards their house of choice, and their eyes widened as they saw someone standing among their ranks. Trace came up to House Alces. It felt weird to accept the invitation from them. [i]A great mindfulness…[/i], what did that mean exactly? Well, they glanced back at Calliope. Maybe it meant [i]that[/i]. They loved giving advice if asked or not. 

[color=#D90037]“Bloody hell it’s hot as newly made shit out here. I might need to borrow some of your shade,”[/COLOR] they said to Katja with a smile. It was kind of a joke. They also may have angled themselves, so the tall woman did provide cover. [color=#D90037]“Trace Whitlock, here to join the great, big horny house—Alces. I guess when in Canada, go be a moose.”[/COLOR]