[quote=@Ti] From my understanding from my first interpretation, it is more like puppeting. They turned into statues and by giving them vitesse, you can animate them. Then I presume you give instructions and directions as they operate like golems under your command. On the re-read, I see where you are coming from. The language is ambiguous! [/quote] This is correct. :) They're like golems that are animated and controlled with vitesse by a "Seraphim Pilot". Most pilots do sit within the "cockpit" of the statue cause they need to see where its going as they control and command it, especially over long distances. But if you can see the Seraphim and don't plan on needing it to go far away, a Seraphim Pilot can control it remotely without being inside it, like you said, giving it instructions and directions on what to do. The Seraphim at the school is mostly used as an extreme defense mechanism of the academy grounds. It's basically like the golems from an anime called RahXephon. But it takes a lot of skill to "pilot" these golems and requires a lot of vitesse too. It's like comparing a phone charger to an electric car charger. The latter requires FAR more juice to operate.