[h1][b][i][color=A2797E][center]Sabine Bassard[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1][center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/f2/eb/b6/f2ebb69af84f398998e82460a6325162.gif[/img][/center][center][/center][hr][center][color=A2797E][b]Location[/b][/color]: Training Room B
[color=A2797E][b]Skills[/b][/color]: Memory Manipulation

As Dorian, Danni, and Zelda all made their way to the training room at varying intervals, Sabine got a message. She checked and it was a group chat between her, April, and Leah. She sent off a quick reply.

[hider=@April, @Leah][color=A2797E]Glamour:[/color] I know! It sucks. At least I am with Danni. And Dorian is okay, I suppose. Got that little twerp Percy tho."[/hider]

She put her phone away in time for Nemo to call them to attention. Zelda was on their team and she was there to stay. April and Leah would be on different teams than her and they would all be competing against each other. That made things a bit more....hot? Tense maybe, but still. She wouldn't hold back, of course, as she wouldn't expect them to hold back either. Leah she knew was a powerhouse. April, unsure. 

Nemo had chosen them and she was still thrilled to be with Danni. She gave him a warm smile when he came in, only for it to sour as Dorian came in too. Well, Dorian was okay. She sort of connected with him at the carnival. Perhaps this wouldn't be so bad. Nemo had called them to action, to discover his weaknesses. She got the sense Nemo expected this to be more of a challenge, but she could literally read minds. 

Dorian and Danni attempted to go first, telling Percy to back off. Sabine couldn't help but chuckle as the twerpy freshman had a little pout. To their credit, they did a good job. Very much got to some of the root, but there was always more buried deep. At least Dorian had invited her to join.

She strolled up in front of Nemo once Dorian and Danni had shared their set. [color=A2797E]"Cute boys, but it's my turn."[/color]

She stared at Nemo before closing her eyes, allowing her power to take form and sending it into Nemo's subconscious. Depending on the strength, this was either an easy task or hard. She expected Nemo's to be a vault, but she had gotten through. Either she was well above the others in terms of power use or Nemo had made it easy for her. She agreed with the former.

Once in his mind, most was laid bare. She saw Nemo, presumably at a young age (roughly 9 years old) coming out to his family and friends. Not a weakness in her mind, but good that he wasn't closeted. That could be a weakness for some and she was not about to be the person to out a faculty member for bonus points.

She saw Nemo attend a superhero academy very much like the one they were in currently. It was here she saw the school all but wiped out by some apocalyptic event. The only survivors were Nemo and his boyfriend. However, due to the guilt of such an event (in her opinion) Nemo's boyfriend committed suicide. Nemo was alone until he was picked up by some organization dedicated to protecting the timestream. Nemo had taken up a position with them as an assassin due to his ability to travel through time. He decided to retire in the year 2023 and became a teacher.

Amongst this traumatic event, she gleaned some other facts about him. Once she was sure she had enough to wow him, she came back out of his mind.

She debated if she wanted to unleash it all, but Nemo [i]did[/i] ask them to exploit his weaknesses.

[color=A2797E]"You are a traumatized, old, gay man who lost a loved one during an apocalyptic event leaving you alone in the future until you were recruited by some time travel organization where you worked for them until you retired and became a teacher. Don't know why, but here you are. You hold on to that trauma. Among other things, your ability to time travel is only good for limited bursts. Small jumps are fine but longer jumps are unsure. You also have an injury in your left knee which is why you prefer your right side. Lastly, you have some weird fear that you will be injected with heroin that I can't place in any of your history. Either way, you fear it. Weakness."[/color]

She gave a small curtsy. [color=A2797E]"So how'd I do?"[/color]