[color=DarkMagenta]“…and over there, we’ve got a [url=https://i.imgur.com/1QtYQH5.png]Mark XXVIII Technorganic Mezomorphazoid[/url],”[/color] Doctor Nykannis pointed out as she continued the tour she was giving to her Lab’s latest visitor, [url=https://i.imgur.com/IN8XCtD.jpeg]a tall, aristocratic-looking man in extravagant attire.[/url] [color=DarkMagenta]“He actually managed to last a whole [i]ten minutes[/i] against Detroit’s legendary Mechamagicals. That’s a new record!”[/color] she added with a slightly unhinged grin.

[b]“I take it that’s supposed to be an [i]impressive[/i] achievement?”[/b] her guest inquired with a raised eyebrow, as he turned from the biomechanical kaiju to stare down at the diminutive young woman in an oversized lab coat that was walking beside him.

[color=DarkMagenta]“You really [i]don’t[/i] get out much, do you?”[/color] Nykannis replied with a smirk. [color=DarkMagenta]“They’re a team of [i]giant robot magical girls.[/i] Not magical girls who [i]pilot[/i] giant robots, mind you,”[/color] the mad scientist clarified with a raised finger. [color=DarkMagenta]“Magical girls who [i]are[/i] giant robots, full Ultraman style! Just imagine if Madoka Kaname and Wing Zero were one, singular walking apocalypse, and you can start to get an idea of just how insanely powerful these things are. So, yeah, it [i]is[/i] an impressive achievement,”[/color] she concluded, giving her guest an annoyed glare.

[b]“If you [i]say[/i] so,”[/b] the man replied, not even attempting to hide his disinterest. [b]“Tell me, Doctor, did you invite me here for any particular [i]reason,[/i] or was it simply to bore me out of my skull?”[/b]   

[color=DarkMagenta]“[i]Two[/i] reasons, actually,”[/color] Nykannis noted, holding up a pair of bony fingers. [color=DarkMagenta]“First, I was impressed by how you realized that even someone as powerful as yourself didn’t stand a chance against the Protagonist Power of two Patron Champions, and so you decided to set up one of your thralls to die in your place. That kinda genre savviness is pretty rare, and I enjoy learning about rare things. Which brings us to the [i]second[/i] reason,”[/color] the mad scientist went on. [color=DarkMagenta]“You’ve got all the strengths of a vampire with none of the weaknesses. That [i]alone[/i] makes you quite the interesting specimen, but coupled with your knowledge of the rules governing this reality plenum, well, I just [i]had[/i] to meet you!”[/color] the Monarch of Mad Science explained with a grin. 

[color=DarkMagenta]“Y’know, you actually remind me of this one universe where a so-called ‘super genius’ used a biomechanical nanovirus to turn the Earth into a generic fantasy world, all because of some childhood trauma, or some shit,”[/color] Nykannis continued, using air quotes when she said ‘super genius’. [color=DarkMagenta]“See, she was so faithful to the concept that even if she [i]could[/i] engineer what was, for all intents and purposes, a vampire, with none of a vampire’s weaknesses, she actually [i]chose[/i] not to! Can you believe it?! Not only [i]that[/i], but for all her supposed brilliance, she was also a total fucking [i]Luddite![/i] She wanted this to be a [i]medieval[/i] fantasy world, so she had the nanites eradicate any technology more advanced than what was around in the low middle ages. They couldn’t even build fucking [i]crossbows[/i], for shit’s sake!”[/color] the mad scientist ranted, becoming more annoyed with each passing second. [color=DarkMagenta]“ANYWAY, since I already know how [i]those[/i] vampires were made, I wanted to find out how [i]you[/i] compared, see what made [i]you[/i] tick,”[/color] she explained, her fingers morphing into an array of advanced surgical instruments in a swirling cloud of shimmering nanites.

[b]“A [i]fascinating[/i] story,”[/b] the vampire noted in a snide tone that clearly conveyed he found it to be anything but. [b]“Although I warn you, Doctor,”[/b] he added, his eyes taking on a dangerous gleam. [b]“If you [i]dare[/i] to lay even a [i]single[/i] scrawny finger upon my august personage, I shall drain you [i]dry.[/i]”[/b]

[color=DarkMagenta]“Nyahahahaha! I’d like to see you [i]try![/i]”[/color] Nykannis retorted after a burst of deranged cackling. [color=DarkMagenta]“Oh, and you’re a [i]little[/i] late to be making threats, since I completely dissected and reassembled you two seconds after you got here,”[/color] she added with a twisted grin.

[b]“You do not [i]seriously[/i] expect me to believe…”[/b]

[color=DarkMagenta]“The whole process took less than half a nanosecond,”[/color] the Monarch of Mad Science explained. [color=DarkMagenta]“At those speeds, even [i]your[/i] impressive reflexes don’t amount to jack shit. It was all over before you could even comprehend it was happening, and if you want proof,”[/color] she added, conjuring a holodisplay detailing the vampire’s full internal makeup. [color=DarkMagenta]“Just take a look.”[/color]

[b]“Very well, Doctor Kannis,”[/b] the vampire said after a moment of stunned silence. [b]“I must concede that I am impressed. Yet, if you have already attained what you sought, why continue to host me? After all, I am well aware that my charms have no effect on one such as you.”[/b]

[color=DarkMagenta]“I enjoy showing off how amazing I am,”[/color] Nykannis replied nonchalantly. [color=DarkMagenta]“Besides, I meant it when I said I thought you were pretty impressive, and so, I wanna help you out,”[/color] she added. [color=DarkMagenta]“Y’know, get you set up in another city. I hear Hydrangopolis is [i]particularly[/i] lovely this time of year. Now, most places in this plenum have annoying magical girls to contend with, and Hydrangopolis is no exception, so you’re gonna need a way to deal with ‘em. That’s another reason I was showing off my creations, although I get the feeling that you probably want something more suited to your particular aesthetic, so we can just…”[/color] Her voice trailed off as a notification appeared on her goggles’ HUD. [color=DarkMagenta]“Hmm… It seems my [i]other[/i] guest has just arrived…”[/color] the mad scientist noted. [color=DarkMagenta]“I’ll need to attend to them, but you can just peruse around until I get back, see if anything catches your eye.”[/color]

[b]“You expect me to be able to navigate this labyrinth unaided?”[/b] the vampire inquired pointedly.

[color=DarkMagenta]“Not really,”[/color] Nykannis conceded. [color=DarkMagenta]“Which is why [i]this[/i] little guy will be serving as your new tour guide,”[/color] she added as [url=https://i.imgur.com/9lRRHu2.png]a multi-limbed robot[/url] materialized next to her. [color=DarkMagenta]“Just tell him the kinds of stuff you’d like to see and he’ll take you there. That said, if I were you, I’d [i]definitely[/i] check out the genetically enhanced cyborg dinosaurs growing in vat cluster seventy-three,”[/color] she noted with a grin. [color=DarkMagenta]“That’s the one next to the S-class Void and Apex Pageless. Anyways, I’ll see you later,”[/color] the mad scientist told him, before stepping through a just-opened rectangular portal of glowing yellowy-green energy.

On the other side waited [url=https://i.imgur.com/oLdyhG3.png]an unremarkable girl in casual clothes with short, dark hair and equally short stature.[/url] She was conversing with [url=https://i.imgur.com/ZtVwpp1.png]a glowing polyhedron[/url], which hovered next to her.

[color=DarkMagenta]“Kate!”[/color] the Monarch of Mad Science greeted with a big grin, spreading her arms wide in jubilation. [color=DarkMagenta]“So, I take it your trip went well?”[/color]

[color=Red]“For the most part,”[/color] Kate confirmed. [color=Red]“Like I was telling Xozooth, here, I had a little run in with some Pageless in an alleyway, but it wasn’t anything a pair of APEX-Grade Armored Gorelions couldn’t handle,”[/color] she added with a smirk as she twirled an ornate golden whistle around her fingers.

[color=DarkMagenta]“You sure are getting a lot of milage outta that thing, huh?”[/color] Nykannis muttered, giving her friend an annoyed scowl.

[color=Red]“You better believe it!”[/color] the photographer replied. [color=Red]“I mean, it sure beats the hell outta havin’ to turn into Rapunzel on her wedding day every time I’m in a jam…”[/color]

[color=DarkMagenta]“I’ll bet,”[/color] Nykannis snarked. [color=DarkMagenta]“Anyway, if you two are done chatting, I was wondering if you wanted to unwind for a bit. Y’know, check out some entertaining interdimensional happenings?”[/color]

[color=Red]“Sure,”[/color] Kate replied with a chuckle. [color=Red]“Xozooth was just about to give me my payment.”[/color]

[color=MediumSlateBlue][i]“Indeed,”[/i][/color] the eldritch brain confirmed. [color=MediumSlateBlue][i]“You did an exemplary job, Miss Carson, and I’m told my former apprentice greatly enjoyed my letter. Thus, as renumeration, I bequeath to you a polychronal reality shard,”[/i][/color] the polymathamagician declared, the shimmering, prismatic shard wavering into being next to him before falling into Kate’s outstretched hand. [color=MediumSlateBlue][i]“This shall allow you to perceive several pertinent facets of the Micro and Macrocosmic ALL in relation to any query you pose to it.”[/i][/color]

[color=Red]“Sweet!”[/color] Kate exulted with a grin. [color=Red]“Magic 8 ball on steroids, [i]you[/i] are gonna make my life a heck of a lot easier!”[/color] she told the shard, before placing it in a jacket pocket.

[color=DarkMagenta]“Can we start now?”[/color] Nykannis inquired, while tapping her foot impatiently.

[color=Red]“Yup!”[/color] Kate confirmed as she hopped into a newly created and heavily cushioned reclining chair. [color=Red]“So, whatdya wanna watch?”[/color]

[color=DarkMagenta]“Oh, just a little something you helped set up,”[/color] Nykannis said with a sly smirk as she plopped down in her own chair, with Xozooth floating over to hover beside her. [color=DarkMagenta]“Should be pretty hilarious, and I know how much you [i]love[/i] comedies.”[/color]

[color=MediumSlateBlue][i]“Ah, I see you’ve even created a title card for it,”[/i][/color] Xozooth observed as the interdimensional viewer’s panoramic display activated to reveal the elaborate title card in question. 

[color=Red]“Have I ever told you that you put [i]way[/i] too much effort into these things?”[/color] Kate asked with an amused chuckle.

[color=DarkMagenta]“Once or twice.”[/color]


[h1][i][b]A Game o[color=C41E3A]f[/color] Che[color=MediumAquamarine]s[/color]s…?[/b][/i][/h1]

Finn would find himself sitting at a table in the Overcity’s Taste of Heaven Tea Shoppe as he waited for the next stage of his training to begin. The atmosphere was certainly pleasant, if a bit whimsical, what with the giant teddy bears serving the tea, but Finn was someone with many an important task to complete. Thus he wasn’t particularly fond of wasting time in such a manner. Thankfully, after about ten minutes had elapsed, his new “instructor” appeared.

The ringing of a small bell above the establishment’s entrance heralded the arrival of an [url=https://i.imgur.com/R8bFjul.jpeg] energetic-looking girl with bright red hair.[/url] [color=MediumAquamarine]“Hey, hey!”[/color] she called out with a wave when she caught sight of Finn, her cheerful smile broadening until it spread from ear to ear. A moment later, and the one eyed young man would find her standing next to his table, bouncing on the balls of her feet. [color=MediumAquamarine]“You’re Flynn, right?!”[/color] she asked as she dropped a chess box on the table, barely missing the appetizer Finn had ordered. [color=MediumAquamarine]“I’m Stacy! Some girl named Kim… or was it Kat…?”[/color] she wondered, her gaze drifting towards the ceiling as her smile drooped into a thoughtful frown. [color=MediumAquamarine]“Or maybe Nate…? Yuzuru…? Well, anyway!”[/color] she continued, refocusing on Finn, her eyes having taken on an even more excited gleam. [color=MediumAquamarine]“She told me you wanted to challenge me at chess, so, like, here I am! Now, I know I don’t look all that much like my Glimmer avatar,”[/color] she added. [color=MediumAquamarine]“But that’s ‘cause I’m using a super fancy holographic disguise thing to make me look like how I did before my accident! ‘Cause, like, I’ve heard some people say how I look now kinda scares ‘em? I mean, [i]I[/i] think I look crazy cool, but whatevs, I guess! Oh! And speaking of Glimmer, I’ll bet you saw my post where I explained my super awesome zoo strategy! But that’s not gonna help much, ‘cause I’ve totally changed tactics since then!”[/color] she declared with a confident grin, before sliding into the seat opposite Finn. [color=MediumAquamarine]“So! Wanna get started?!”[/color]

Frankly the boy didn't know how a game of chess was important for his little preparations, but he figured it'd be a nice break from...well, everything else going on. The girl acting as his next instructor seemed a bit scatter-brained, but harmless. Though what the heck does she mean by [i]zoo strategy??[/i]

 [color=C41E3A]"I guess."[/color] Finn answered with a shrug, moving his appetizer to the side to prevent it from getting crushed. [color=C41E3A]"Might be a bit rusty though, hope that's alright."[/color]
 [color=MediumAquamarine]“Oh, that’s okay!”[/color] Stacy reassured Finn when the magical boy noted that he hadn’t played in a while. [color=MediumAquamarine]“I just remembered that girl actually said the real reason you wanted to face me was so you could get some practice before goin’ up against some super amazing player named Kenny. Or was it Lenny? Well, anyway,”[/color] she continued as she placed the board between them. [color=MediumAquamarine]“Let’s get to it!”[/color] Once the board was in place, she reached into her jacket pocket and retrieved what looked like a green… toe…? [color=MediumAquamarine]“So, what color do ya wanna be?”[/color] she asked, placing the toe on the white square on the corner of her side of the board. [color=MediumAquamarine]“Oh, and how do ya wanna work Free Parking?”[/color]
  [color=C41E3A]"Is that real?"[/color] Finn, dumbfounded already, couldn't help blurting out as he pointed to the eccentric choice of a game piece. [Color=C41E3A]"And what do you mean by [i]'Free Parking'[/i]?? Isn't the goal of chess taking the other's king piece???"[/color]
  [color=MediumAquamarine]“King piece?”[/color] Stacy echoed with a frown. [color=MediumAquamarine]“What’s that? Oh, and yeah!”[/color] she added with a giggle as she picked up the toe so Finn could take a closer look. [color=MediumAquamarine]“It’s totally real! This is my pinky toe! I [i]always[/i] use it as my playing piece! So,”[/color] she asked after returning it to the board. [color=MediumAquamarine]“What do [i]you[/i] usually use?”[/color]
 [color=C41E3A]"Definetly nothing like that... Uhm."[/color] Finn scrounged through both his pockets and hammerspace to see what he could use. As confused as he is, might as well roll with it for now. Soon enough he decided to just use one of his hero tokens; a rose gold coin with a rose carved into it, to match with the theme of his weapon. [color=C41E3A]"This'll have to do."[/color]
 [color=MediumAquamarine]“Ooooh! That’s cool!”[/color] Stacy noted approvingly. [color=MediumAquamarine]“Kinda pretty, too! Oh, but, um, it sounds like you could use a refresher on the rules,”[/color] she added. [color=MediumAquamarine]“Did ya want me to go over the basics?”[/color]
 With a huff, the boy let one of his elbows rest on the table. [color=C41E3A]"Might as well."[/color]
 [color=MediumAquamarine]“Okay, so, like, the white squares are one player’s properties, and the black squares are the other’s,”[/color] Stacy began. [color=MediumAquamarine]“Except for the ones on the outer edge, which is where our playing pieces move. Now, the white square our pieces are on is called Go. The black square on this other corner here is the Jail,”[/color] she explained, pointing to the space in question. [color=MediumAquamarine]“That black square on the corner to your left is the Cop. Ya gotta watch out for him, ‘cause if ya land on him, he’ll send you to Jail! The only way to get out of [i]there[/i] is to pay the fine or roll doubles. Then there’s Free Parking, that’s the white square to your right. There are two different ways to play with that space, so we’ll have to decide which way we’re gonna play with before we start. Then we have the buildings,”[/color] she continued. [color=MediumAquamarine]“First are the houses,”[/color] she explained, taking out a pawn. [color=MediumAquamarine]“They only give ya a tiny bit of money if another player lands on their row, but they’re super cheap! Then there are the zoos, which cost quite a bit more, but they give ya lots more money, and they even force the other player to lose a turn, ‘cause they’re spending so much time lookin’ at all the animals. Next up, we have the cathedrals. They’re [i]crazy[/i] expensive, but they make your opponent give ya tons of money in return. Forts are cool, cause they cancel out the effects of all the other player’s buildings in their two rows, but if they [i]also[/i] build a fort, the two cancel each other out, and nothing happens. Finally, there’s the mansion and the city hall. There’s only one of each of them, ‘cause the mansion’s crazy powerful, and whoever puts the city hall out first wins the game! So, is it all starting to come back to you, now?”[/color]
  [color=MediumAquamarine]“No, no, it’s nothing like monopoly,”[/color] Stacy corrected. [color=MediumAquamarine]“For one thing, our playing pieces don’t have any special abilities. And there’s no direct combat in this either, which is kinda a shame, but it doesn’t make it any less fun!”[/color]
  And with that, Finn's expression comically blanked out. Who in Grimm's legacy taught her all this misinformation??? They oughta get a damn earful! Whatever, the quicker they get on with this, the less time he could get a headache finding rhyme or reason in it. [color=C41E3A]"Nevermind, let's just get started."[/color]
[color=MediumAquamarine]“Okay!”[/color] Stacy replied cheerfully. [color=MediumAquamarine]“So, what color do you want?”[/color]
   [color=C41E3A]"I'll stick to white."[/color]
  [color=MediumAquamarine]“In that case, you get to go first!”[/color] Stacy declared, handing him some starting money and a pair of six-sided dice. [color=MediumAquamarine]“Good luck!”[/color]
 Finn quietly set the [i]not-monopoly[/i] money to the side and rolled the pair of dice. Oh, he got a nine. Decent start. He moved his piece over that amount of spaces.
 [color=MediumAquamarine]“Oooh, a nine!”[/color] Stacy exclaimed. [color=MediumAquamarine]“That puts ya on a black space! I forgot to mention earlier, but if ya land on a space of your opponent’s color, it’ll cost twice as much to build on that row, plus if they have a building there, the money it charges you is doubled as well! Oh, and we never decided how we wanna play with Free Parking,”[/color] she added. [color=MediumAquamarine]“The boring way is to just have it be a space where nothing happens, but the [i]fun[/i] way is to have it double your next roll, ‘cause you get to use one of the cars there, or something.”[/color]
  [color=C41E3A]"Oh, my bad."[/color] Finn apologized, scratching his head. [color=C41E3A]"Guess we can go with the fun option."[/color]
[color=MediumAquamarine]“Okay, cool!”[/color] Stacy replied with a pleased grin. [color=MediumAquamarine]“And I’m such a dummy!”[/color] she added with a giggle, smacking the side of her head, before digging through the box’s various contents. [color=MediumAquamarine]“I shoulda given ya one of these to start with! Here!”[/color] she said, presenting Finn with a small piece of paper with some notes scribbled on it. [color=MediumAquamarine]“This is a cheat sheet! It’s got the rules for all the buildings on it in case ya forget!”[/color]
   [color=C41E3A]"I'll take a look at it, thanks."[/color]
   After waiting a short bit to let Finn read over the cheatsheet, Stacy asked, [color=MediumAquamarine]“So, are ya gonna build anything, or can I go now?”[/color]
   With that, Finn couldn't help but pinch the bridge of his nose. [color=C41E3A]"Ah geez, where's my brain today? My apologies, I'll go ahead and buy the square."[/color] He told Stacy, taking out the needed money for it.
[color=MediumAquamarine]“Which square?”[/color] Stacy asked with a slightly confused expression. [color=MediumAquamarine]“And what do ya wanna build on it?”[/color]
   Finn comically blinked, dumbfounded once again.

 [color=C41E3A]"The square I landed on???"[/color] He tilted his head, the checking the cheatsheet. [color=C41E3A]"And ah, a house seemed like a good start."[/color]
 [color=MediumAquamarine]“Oh, uh, you can’t actually build on that space,”[/color] Stacy explained. [color=MediumAquamarine]“Or any of the edge spaces. Only on the center ones. So, like, any of these three white squares on this row here,”[/color] she added, pointing to the spaces in question. [color=MediumAquamarine]“But, yeah, a house isn’t a bad choice for your first building, especially when you don’t know what the other player’s planning to do.”[/color]

 What even.

 He was slowly starting to realize why this was concidered a test. The boy took a deep breath. [color=C41E3A]"My mistake. Gonna go ahead with your turn then?"[/color] He asked her.
 [color=MediumAquamarine]“Well sure, if ya don’t wanna build anything,”[/color] Stacy replied, rolling the dice. [color=MediumAquamarine]“Oh cool, I got a five!”[/color] she announced, moving her toe the relevant number of spaces. [color=MediumAquamarine]“That’s a black space, so I don’t have to pay extra! I’m gonna build a house on the second black space above me,”[/color] she added, paying the required fifty dollars and placing a “house” on the space in question.
 Wordlessly, Finn rolled the dice once it was his turn. 

 [color=C41E3A]"Got a four."[/color]
 [color=MediumAquamarine]“Oh wow! You landed on another black space!”[/color] Stacy noted. [color=MediumAquamarine]“I guess ya really don’t have the best luck, huh?”[/color] she asked with a giggle. [color=MediumAquamarine]“So, did ya wanna build something, or is it my turn again?”[/color]
 The side of his mouth quirked down slightly, then he shook his head. [color=C41E3A]"I should probably go ahead and build something. Can I place a house [i]here[/i]?"[/color] Finn asked her, shuffling through his game money.
 [color=MediumAquamarine]“Okay, since you’re on a black space, that’ll cost $100,”[/color] Stacy told him, before picking up the dice and rolling… [color=MediumAquamarine]“Six! Another black space! No double cost for me! But, uh, I don’t think I’m gonna build anything else for now, so back to you I guess!”[/color] she added with a giggle.
 With a hum, he grabbed the dice and rolled again.

 [color=C41E3A]"Got seven."[/color]
 [color=MediumAquamarine]“Oooh! That puts ya on a white space! Buildings’ll cost normal price for ya there!”[/color] she added. [color=MediumAquamarine]“Looks like your luck’s improving!”[/color]

And so, over the course of the next hour, the strange game continued. While Stacy began building rows of houses on each diagonal line, Finn constructed a hodgepodge of buildings in seemingly random places. Although things looked rather grim at first as he struggled to learn the odd rules and keep from showing his disgust whenever Stacy’s toe landed atop his coin, things eventually began to turn around for the magical boy. Ultimately, thanks to a few key building placements, coupled with a few terrible rolls on Stacy’s part, Finn emerged victorious.

[color=MediumAquamarine]“Wow! Nice job!”[/color] a wide eyed Stacy commended. [color=MediumAquamarine]“Ya might’ve started off a little rough, but what a comeback! Ya really kicked my butt!”[/color] she added with a giggle.

Finn nervously chuckled. [color=C41E3A]"Honestly, I was just winging it for the most part."[/color] He explained, reclaiming his hero token [s]while making note to disinfect it later[/s]. [color=C41E3A]"But something told me I wasn't going to win through normal means, so I figured I'd take a gamble and whittle down my opponent to nothing."[/color] His smile then turned a little more smug.

[color=MediumAquamarine]“Well, it really paid off!”[/color] Stacy replied. [color=MediumAquamarine]“And my new strategy looked so cool in my head, too…”[/color] she added with a slight frown, before brightening back up again. [color=MediumAquamarine]“Guess I’ll just have to come up with somethin’ even cooler! So, are ya feelin’ more confident about your odds of beatin’ this Jenny chick now?”[/color]

[color=C41E3A]"Penny, you mean?"[/color]

[color=MediumAquamarine]“Yeah! [i]That’s[/i] her name!”[/color] Stacy confirmed with a giggle. [color=MediumAquamarine]“Your friend said she has [i]crazy[/i] skills, but I’ve never heard of her before. Is she just one of those types that doesn’t like attention, so she keeps things on the DL?”[/color]

[color=C41E3A]"I mean, if she didn't like attention she shouldn't have made herself the so-called Queen of Penrose."[/color] Finn crossed his arms and shrugged.

[color=MediumAquamarine]“Queen of Penrose?!”[/color] Stacy echoed. [color=MediumAquamarine]“Holy crap, for reals?!”[/color] she added, her eyes going wide. “[color=MediumAquamarine]I mean, I don’t know where Penrose is, but that sounds crazy important! Hey wait… Is that where that super crazy cool rave was?!”[/color] she inquired, her eyes going wider still.

His eyebrows rose. [color=C41E3A]"If you're talking about the rave incident that took out a whole fleet of Beacon and then some [i]and[/i] somehow spawned a Horror to boot? Yeah."[/color] Atleast from what info he could gather from other Cradle members and witness accounts. [color=C41E3A]"But I wouldn't get your hopes up. Penrose is no kingdom, and not one you'd want to trouble yourself with."[/color]

[color=MediumAquamarine]“Wow, a Horror showed up, too?!”[/color] Stacy exclaimed, looking far more excited about that fact than a sane person probably should have been. [color=MediumAquamarine]“That’s so freaking awesome! It totally sucks that we had to leave early ‘cause of that crazy powerful lightning dragon thing…”[/color] she added with a frown. [color=MediumAquamarine]“We missed all the cool stuff… Hey! Was Penny the girl who summoned the lighting dragon?!”[/color] she asked excitedly. [color=MediumAquamarine]“‘Cause it would be crazy cool to play a game of chess against [i]her[/i] sometime!”[/color]

 [color=C41E3A]"Honestly? I dunno. I wasn't there, I only know about it through gathering info."[/color] Finn explained.
 [color=MediumAquamarine]“Oh, well, anyways, ya think ya got a better shot of winning against her now?”[/color] Stacy asked.
  [color=C41E3A]"Well I'm not sure how a game of 'chess' is supposed to help me win."[/color] The boy rose a brow. [color=C41E3A]"But I guess if I'm able to beat [i]this[/i], then [url=https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=94g4CJF9Qkw]sky's the limit[/url]."[/color]
  [color=MediumAquamarine]“That’s the spirit!”[/color] Stacy cheered. [color=MediumAquamarine]“But, uh, aren’t you challenging them to a chess game?”[/color] she asked, tilting her head in confusion.
  Finn's eye widened in dumbfoundment. [color=C41E3A]"Of course not, I'm preparing to fight her 1v1, not play board games! Wasn't even sure what the point of this was at first!"[/color]
  [color=MediumAquamarine]“Wait, really? Well, in that case, did ya wanna have a practice fight against [i]me[/i]?!”[/color] she asked eagerly. [color=MediumAquamarine]“We could do it right here! I’ll bet these big teddy bears would look really hilarious running around on fire!”[/color] she added with a giggle.
   Finn's eye widened further. [color=C41E3A]"H-Hey, let's not act like bulls in a china shop here! If you wanna fight me, let's atleast do it somewhere less risky??"[/color] He asked of her, [i]really[/i] not wanting the stuffed bears to get hurt cause of them. They're too cute!
   [color=MediumAquamarine]“Awww… You’re no fun….”[/color] Stacy pouted. [color=MediumAquamarine]“All right, fine,”[/color] she added. [color=MediumAquamarine]“Where do [i]you[/i] wanna do it?”[/color]

 After a taking moment to think, the boy stood up from his seat. [color=C41E3A]"Think I know a place, follow me."[/color]
 [color=MediumAquamarine]“Okay!”[/color] Stacy replied, quickly packing up her chess game and following after the magical boy. [color=MediumAquamarine]"Just lead the way! Aye, Aye, Cap'n! Full speed ahead![/color]
 Admittedly, there wasn't much space in the overcity they could spar in peace at. So Finn decided to go with empty parking lot on the quieter side of town.

 [color=C41E3A]"Alright, so how are we doing this? No magic? Only magic?"[/color] He asked Stacy.
 [color=MediumAquamarine]“Let’s go all out!”[/color] Stacy declared with an enthusiastic grin. [color=MediumAquamarine]“That way, I can show off all my crazy cool moves!”[/color]

  All out? [i]Oh boy.[/i]

 Finn drew his canesword out. [color=C41E3A]"O-Okay, but tell me if I go too far!"[/color]
 [color=MediumAquamarine]“Too far…?”[/color] Stacy asked, tilting her head. [color=MediumAquamarine]“Um, I thought we were just gonna be fightin’ each other? I mean, you’re, like, pretty cute and all, but I’m really not ready for a serious relationship just yet, plus, there’s someone [i]else[/i] I [i]kinda[/i] have a bit of a crush on, so, yeah…”[/color]

 It took a moment for him to piece together what she was confused by. With a flinch, he quickly shook his head. [color=C41E3A]"[i]Nonononono-[/i] I-I didn't mean [i]THAT![/i] I meant if I accidentally hurt you badly, n-not [i]THAT! Never[/i]!!"[/color] He tried to clarify.
 [color=MediumAquamarine]“Oh, okay!”[/color] Stacy replied. [color=MediumAquamarine]“[i]That’s[/i] a relief! And, like, don’t worry about [i]me![/i] Ever since my accident, I’m, like, totally unkillable!”[/color] she added with a grin. [color=MediumAquamarine]“Oh yeah!”[/color] she exclaimed as something important occurred to her. [color=MediumAquamarine]“I should probably show ya what I [i]actually[/i] look like now huh?!”[/color]

 Accident? [i]Unkillable?[/i] Finn rose a brow. [color=C41E3A]"Might as well?"[/color] He tilted his head.
 [color=MediumAquamarine]“All right, Flynn!”[/color] Stacy announced. [color=MediumAquamarine]“Check [i]this[/i] out!”[/color] A moment later, the girl was enveloped by a burst of crackling lighting, and then… [color=MediumAquamarine]“KA-ZOW!!!”[/color] the [url=https://i.imgur.com/RNuNhHz.jpeg] transformed girl[/url] shouted, gleefully creating her own sound effect. [color=MediumAquamarine]“Whatdya think?!”[/color] she asked eagerly. [color=MediumAquamarine]“Pretty awesome, huh?!”[/color]

 Oh, a monster girl! A zombie no less! Finn's eye seem to light up with intrigue [s]and definitely not cause the reveal was sick as hell[/s]. He nodded eagerly.

[color=MediumAquamarine]“So, wanna get started?!”[/color] Stacy asked, still grinning from ear to ear. [color=MediumAquamarine]“I’ve got some super sweet new moves I’ve been wantin’ to try out!”[/color]

[color=C41E3A]"Right!"[/color] He nodded again, getting into a fighting stance.

[color=MediumAquamarine]“Hells yeah!”[/color] Stacy cheered as she struck a dramatic action pose, her razor-sharp claws crackling with electricity. [color=MediumAquamarine]“Ready or not, here I come!”[/color]

An instant later, the patchwork girl shot forward in a burst of speed, the wicked Zinethonium claws of one hand darting out to slash Finn’s chest.

Finn quickly lifted his weapon up to block the initial strike, forcibly pushing the claws out of range to deliver a powered roundhouse kick in return.

The kick pushed Stacy back, but she quickly recovered.

[color=MediumAquamarine]“Nice moves!”[/color] She commended with a grin. [color=MediumAquamarine]“Like, you’re not related to that [i]Errol[/i] Flynn guy, are ya?!”[/color] she asked. [color=MediumAquamarine]“Cuz that would be crazy cool!”[/color]

He rose a brow. [color=C41E3A]"Errol? Who are you talking about?"[/color] Granted, dialogue mid fight would impede him, but he was curious.

[color=MediumAquamarine]“He’s, like, this super cool movie star guy!”[/color] Stacy explained, while shooting a few lightning encased fireballs at Finn. [color=MediumAquamarine]“He was, like, crazy awesome at sword fighting and stuff! And since ya have the same last name, I was thinkin’ maybe he might’ve been your dad or grandad, or, like, maybe even your [i]son![/i] Cuz, like, I know looks don’t mean much to magical people, so you could [i]totally[/i] be, like, a thousand years old!”[/color] she added, obviously quite enthusiastic about the prospect.

 [i]Okay then.[/i]

 [color=C41E3A]"Right, one: I don't go by my surname, and that's [i]not[/i] even my surname!"[/color] Boosting his speed with beast magic, he broke into a sprint to avoid the barrage of fireballs, circling around Tracy. [color=C41E3A]"My name is Finnegan Vanhorn, I usually go by Finn, and as far as my family tree goes?"[/color]

 ...Wait, when was the last time he even thought about that? His family? His expression turned into an uncertain frown for a second.

 [color=C41E3A]"Nevermind that, you at least got close with the age bit!"[/color] Right, time to close in. Using one of the streetlamps, he launched himself at his opponent.

[color=MediumAquamarine]“Holy freaking crap!”[/color] Stacy exclaimed as she used a pair of flame jests to somersault over the charging magical boy. [color=MediumAquamarine]“Your name ain’t Flynn?! Dang…”[/color] she added with a frown as she shot an arc of lightning into Finn’s back. [color=MediumAquamarine]“Sorry about that… I can be really terrible with names sometimes… Oh! Hey! I know! You can call me ‘Tracy’ from now on to make up for it!”[/color] she declared, rapidly returning to her typical cheerfulness. [color=MediumAquamarine]“Sound cool?!”[/color]

 Finn hissed in pain as the lightning strike hit its target. It burned. Thank god for regeneration. He hit the pavement and swiftly bounced back to his feet.

 [color=C41E3A]"I'd rather not be rude. But, you mean like a nickname?"[/color] He tilted his head, his visible eye turning silver. He was going into Avatar mode.

[color=MediumAquamarine]“Yeah, sure, like one of those!”[/color] Stacy agreed with a series of rapid nods, eagerly going along with that idea. [color=MediumAquamarine]“I mean, lots of people call me all sorts of stuff like ‘Stupid Stacy’, or ‘Stacy Stitches’, but [i]this[/i] one’s [i]extra[/i] cool, cuz it’s like a secret codename, or one of those alias things!”[/color] she added, before lunging at him again, her clawed hands sheathed in both lightning and flame. 

The claws would end up striking a rather large chunk of the parking lot Finn had lifted up to block with. Gritting his teeth, he swung the concrete pillar a distance away, and fired a blast of gravity magic to obliterate it; hopefully hitting Stacy along with it.

[color=MediumAquamarine]“Woah!”[/color] Stacy exclaimed as she stumbled back from Finn’s counterattack. [color=MediumAquamarine]“You’re really strong!”[/color] the patchwork girl commended with a smile, clearly impressed. [color=MediumAquamarine]“I think it’s time for a surprise attack!”[/color] she declared, before pulling her head off and chucking it at the magical boy. [color=MediumAquamarine]“Heads up, Finn!”[/color] she called as her cranium hurled through the air. [color=MediumAquamarine]“Get it?! Cuz I’m throwing my head at—”[/color] The next instant, there was an audible thump as Stacy’s head hit the wall behind Finn and bounced onto the ground, having missed its target by several feet. [color=MediumAquamarine]“Ooof…”[/color] Stacy groaned. [color=MediumAquamarine]“Ramona’s always telling me I should work on my aim,”[/color] she noted glumly. [color=MediumAquamarine]“Guess I should’ve remembered to do that, huh?”[/color]

[color=C41E3A]"It usually helps."[/color] Finn nodded, lifting Stacy's head off the ground with more gravity magic, and moving it back to her body with a gentle gust of wind magic as well. [color=C41E3A]"You alright?"[/color]

[color=MediumAquamarine]“Yeah, I’m fine!”[/color] Stacy replied enthusiastically. [color=MediumAquamarine]“But holy freaking crap!”[/color] she added as her head was floated back to her waiting body. [color=MediumAquamarine]“Like, that gravity magic of yours is pretty useful, huh?!”[/color]

[color=C41E3A]"My magic spec's Beast, actually."[/color] He explained, pointing to his eye. [color=C41E3A]"Avatar mode. Or, [i]Omni-spec[/i], however it's called. Need to practice these new powers more."[/color]

[color=MediumAquamarine]“Oh wow!”[/color] Stacy exclaimed, her eyes going wide. [color=MediumAquamarine]“I’ve never even [i]heard[/i] of anything like [i]that[/i] before! That’s really awesome!”[/color] she added with a big grin. [color=MediumAquamarine]“You must have won the magical lottery or somthin’, huh?! Holy freaking crap! No wonder ya beat me in Chess!”[/color] she added, as if she had finally solved some ancient mystery. [color=MediumAquamarine]“Your luck must be [i]crazy[/i] good! Heck, you’re probably some awesome gambler who’s made trillions, am I right?!”[/color] she asked excitedly as she leaned in close, completely oblivious to how much she was invading his personal space.

 As much as Finn would lean away in response, he didn't want to come off as rude. [color=C41E3A]"U-Uh, I wouldn't say my luck is...[i]good[/i]...I just happen to have the proper connections."[/color] He tried to explain.

[color=MediumAquamarine]“Oh, wow! So, you’re like some shady mobster guy?!”[/color] Stacy asked. [color=MediumAquamarine]“That’s even coolerWoah!”[/color] she yelped as she tripped on some of the jagged concrete and fell on top of Finn. 

The next thing she knew, their lips were touching…

[color=MediumAquamarine]“Gah!”[/color] she cried, leaping back up. [color=MediumAquamarine]“S-Sorry! Sorry! I didn’t do that on purpose, okay?!”[/color] she apologized hastily, her cheeks beginning to turn red (despite not having any blood circulating through them).

It….took him a moment to process what just happened. His eyes were widened in a stunned surprise, that much was expected, but was that a hint of [i]fright[/i] hidden beneath his reaction? He silently sat back up. Seeing how Stacy reacted, he frowned and tried to wave it off, hopefully reassuring her that she's fine.

[color=MediumAquamarine]“Oh, phew, that’s a relief,”[/color] Stacy exhaled. [color=MediumAquamarine]“I didn’t want ya to hate me for life just because of a little accident, y’know?”[/color] she added with a lopsided smile. [color=MediumAquamarine]“Although… It’s kinda your own fault that I tripped,”[/color] she added after thinking things over a moment. [color=MediumAquamarine]“I mean, if ya hadn’t been so rough with the pavement, it might have been easier to walk on. Just sayin’.”[/color]

The boy visibly flinched, his frown stuck around. [sub][color=C41E3A]"M'sorry."[/color][/sub] He mumbled, wrapping one arm around his knee and resting a hand against his neck "scar". He was lucky that didn't send [i]his[/i] head rolling.

[color=MediumAquamarine]“Hey, it’s cool!”[/color] Stacy hastened to reassure him. [color=MediumAquamarine]“I don’t mind if you don’t,”[/color] she added. [color=MediumAquamarine]“So, uh, I guess you win this round, huh? I gotta say, if you fight like [i]this[/i] when ya go up against Kenny, you’ll win for sure! Oh, wait… Or was it Jenny…?”[/color]


[color=MediumAquamarine]“Oh, yeah!”[/color] Stacy exclaimed, slapping a palm against her forehead and sticking out her tongue. [color=MediumAquamarine]“I told ya I totally suck at names!”[/color] she added with a giggle.

The corners of Finn's mouth quirked back up into a smile. [color=C41E3A]"It's fine. I admit, this was kinda fun."[/color] He got up off the ground and dusted himself off. [color=C41E3A]"Maybe when all this blows over we can rematch, yeah?"[/color] He offered as he glanced at the rather large pothole he made. [color=C41E3A]"I should probably fix that while I'm still in this state. See you later, [i]Tracy[/i]."[/color]

[color=MediumAquamarine]“See ya later, Finn!”[/color] Stacy called with a departing wave. [color=MediumAquamarine]“And you bet!”[/color] she added. [color=MediumAquamarine]“We [i]totally[/i] gotta do this again sometime! And next time, we can play Monopoly!”[/color]


[color=MediumSlateBlue][i]“What an amusing pair,”[/i][/color] Xozooth noted once the “show” had ended.

[color=Red]“No kidding,”[/color] Kate agreed with a laugh. [color=Red]“Gotta say, I wasn’t expecting them to actually [i]fight[/i] each other,”[/color] the photographer added, turning to Nykannis. [color=Red]“Honestly, I’m kinda surprised Stacy managed to hold her own against your overpowered Anti-Penny science project. Well, at least for a little while.”[/color]

[color=DarkMagenta]“She fared better than Oros, [i]that’s[/i] for sure,”[/color] Nykannis noted. 

[color=Red]“What happened to [i]her?[/i]”[/color]

[color=DarkMagenta]“She got herself killed,”[/color] the mad scientist replied flatly. [color=DarkMagenta]“But there’s no need to look so shocked. I’ve got a distinct feeling we’ll see her again soon enough…”[/color]

[color=MediumSlateBlue][i]“My condolences,”[/i][/color] Xozooth intoned solemnly, before his polyhedral form began to waver out of existence. [color=MediumSlateBlue][i]“I thoroughly enjoyed the entertainment, Doctor,”[/i][/color] he added. [color=MediumSlateBlue][i]“But, alas, I must return to my cosmic contemplations. Farewell for now…”[/i][/color]

[color=Red]“So, any [i]other[/i] interesting stuff happen while I was gone?”[/color] Kate inquired once Xozooth had departed.

[color=DarkMagenta]“Well, I gave Phase Two that field test I’ve been preparing them for,”[/color] Nykannis replied.

[color=Red]“Oh shit… So how did [i]that[/i] go?”[/color]

[color=DarkMagenta]“Better than expected. They managed to comprehensively kick the shit out of Princess Glittertits, and then after they brought her here, I tried out my new Nightmare Cannon on her. Ultimately, she was able to overcome its effects, but I was able to glean enough data from the process to correct that particular deficiency. Oh, and that’s not even the best part! She actually apologized for disrupting my work and honestly said she thought I was awesome!”[/color]

[color=Red]“Clearly your incomparable super-scientific genius was too much for her,”[/color] Kate noted with a wry smirk.

[color=DarkMagenta]“Nyahahaha! Of [i]course[/i] it was!”[/color] Nykannis replied. [color=DarkMagenta]“And after that, I gave her a little tour, culminating with a viewing of my epic portrayal of Doktor Xylannis in the cataclysmic conclusion of Beautiful Guardian Gunslinger Alexis!”[/color]  

[color=Red]“Wow… What did she think of it?”[/color]

[color=DarkMagenta]“She loved it, of course!”[/color] Nykannis responded, as if it should have been painfully obvious. [color=DarkMagenta]“Thanks to being blessed by my amazing awesomeness, Beautiful Guardian Gunslinger Alexis is the greatest magical girl show ever made! I mean, Divine Magical Maid Altea doesn’t even come [i]remotely[/i] close! ANYWAY,”[/color] she added. [color=DarkMagenta]“The only other thing of interest is Wonderland attacking a nowheresville town named Bolorton and taking it over as a staging area for their inventible assault on everyone’s favorite shithole.”[/color]

[color=Red]“Guess Queenie’s serious about using the Nexus there, huh?”[/color]

[color=DarkMagenta]“You could say that,”[/color] Nykannis replied dryly. [color=DarkMagenta]“And speaking of, I’ve got a new job for you.”[/color]


[color=DarkMagenta]“Yeah, Jen and I were thinking it might be advantageous to determine if Mariette really [i]is[/i] Queenie’s daughter, and if not, to locate the [i]actual[/i] ‘Alice’, if she even [i]exists[/i],”[/color] the Monarch of Mad Science explained. [color=DarkMagenta]“Doing so would give us a substantial amount of leverage over her, which I think you’ll agree is a [i]very[/i] good thing, considering how pivotal a player she is in regard to current events.”[/color]

[color=Red]“So, you want me to do some digging, huh?”[/color] Kate asked. [color=Red]“Find out the real story?”[/color] 

[color=DarkMagenta]“[i]Exactly,[/i]”[/color] Nykannis confirmed.

[color=Red]“Heh, brings me back to my news agency days,”[/color] Kate noted with an amused grin. [color=Red]“And it’s definitely gonna take some time,”[/color] she continued. [color=Red]“I mean, from what I know of Mariette, even though her current name’s an alias, her original name [i]wasn’t[/i] Alice, and her mom looks like an ordinary person, so I’m [i]pretty[/i] sure she’s not actually the Queen’s daughter. Still, it doesn’t hurt to investigate a little deeper,”[/color] the photographer added.

[color=DarkMagenta]“True,”[/color] Nykannis conceded. [color=DarkMagenta]“But I agree, her being Queenie’s precious Alice is highly doubtful, which means you’ll have to investigate Queenie herself.”[/color]

[color=Red]“Yeah…”[/color] Kate agreed, not sounding particularly pleased by the thought. [color=Red]“‘Cause just checking out every person named Alice isn’t really the most feasible course of action. Heck, I know this one girl named Alice who’s part of a support group that meets at Vanessa’s place,”[/color] she noted, pulling up the girl’s profile on her camera’s holodisplay. [color=Red]“Alice Vanderbeck, chronologically seventeen years old, actually has blonde hair in her mundane form, Randomness Spec, became a magical girl six months ago, lives with her grandparents in Seayoto.”[/color]

[color=DarkMagenta]“And her parents?”[/color]

[color=Red]“Her father died in a bank robbery when she was three. He was the robber. Her mother went nuts and was placed in an institution when she was nine.”[/color]

[color=DarkMagenta]“Is she still alive?”[/color]

[color=Red]“The mother? Yeah,”[/color] Kate confirmed, giving the display a few taps. [color=Red]“Megan Vanderbeck, patient 371, Seayoto Sanatarium.”[/color]

[color=DarkMagenta]“Hmmm… It’s a long shot, but see if you can find out what exactly drove her insane.”[/color]

[color=Red]“You think Queenie might have had something to do with it?”[/color] Kate asked with a raised eyebrow.

[color=DarkMagenta]“Probably not, but since Her Royal Bitchiness is going around investigating anyone who vaguely reminds her of her daughter, then it’s worth taking a closer look at,”[/color] the mad scientist replied. [color=DarkMagenta]“Anyway, you have some starting points, at least,”[/color] she added. [color=DarkMagenta]“And once you’re done with [i]that[/i], there’s something [i]else[/i] I want you to look into…”[/color] 

[color=Red]“Really? What?”[/color]

[color=DarkMagenta]“Well, since you’re so proud of those new pets of yours, I was thinking we could really put them to the [i]test,[/i]”[/color] Nykannis told her with a maniacal smirk. [color=DarkMagenta]“What do you know about [i]cross-dimensional caustic bovines?[/i]”[/color]