Kind of making some notes for myself that totally wouldn't be jotted down in sloppy handwriting on some post-its in Corrine's room with oil stains on them, sort of a way to see who might actually get along with her lmao - Raffaella "Raff" : Smol, keep candies on hand, Gupoo friend, probably needs a hug but only if she wants it. Maybe later after some trust built bond over the nature of their gifts, and introduce her to Tyren if she hasn't already met the old codger. - Lucius : Probably very reliable. Try not to think too loudly around him. - Anastasia : Healer friend, reliable, probably very warm. "I would like to insist strongly that I am not doing this on purpose. I actually do not like getting chewed on by things." - Kaspaan : A pretty [i]cool[/i] guy, though should look into vulcanized rubber for the general use legs. - Leah : Potential dueling partner and excellent candidate for team games, gift synergy pretty high. Probably needs a hug. - Lhoren : Nice girl, probably needs a hug. Just don't think too loudly around her. Also good synergy for team games. - Taegan : Do not call them "Tae", "Tae-Tae" or any derivative thereof. Could probably buy her home islands. Really hoping they didn't see her exhibition match in Year 2. Also... [i]"Oh no. They're hot."[/i] - Tessa : Epitome of fashion. Someone other than the old man to talk to about unique gifts possibly. - Primrose : Her complete opposite. Unsure how to cross that barrier. Gupoo friend. - Myrion : Could probably use a hug, or coffee, or both. Gupoo friend. Candidate for team games, though cautiously so. - Petyr : A little frosty, unsure how to read him. Also... [i]"Oh no. He's hot."[/i] - Ezekiel : [i][b]"Oh no. He's hot."[/b][/i] - Manny : [i][b]smol[/b][/i] - Fasha : Smells nice. Wait. That sounds really weird. - Beatrix : Probably way too much energy. Should really look into getting that vulcanized rubber. - Melle : Upper classman, looked up to her for a bit. Thinks she could use a hug. Gupoo friend.