[hider=Kaspy's Corner]
- Raffaella: Laughy Raffy, old-life friend that will keep him grounded, he gets good vibes from her 
- Lucius : Big guy, unacquainted as of yet.
- Anastasia : Pretty sure she tried to kill him once, but the more he thinks about it either it was a complete accident or an Underworld scheme. 
- Leah : The Fist. Combat Training Aide, so there is some common ground, maybe a workout partner.
- Lhoren : Pretty, Ivar, Kasp gets yellow flags around her.
- Taegan : Unacquainted as of yet. 
- Tessa : Big sister energy.
- Primrose : Barefoot gang. Carries around bones. Gnarly.
- Myrion : Nah mate chill out
- Petyr : He's on his house's Waaga team, admiration or competition? 
- Ezekiel : kindred spirit possibly 
- Manny : smol wild child
- Fasha : Reminds him of his mother.
- Beatrix : punched his buddy in the face. :respek Kasp endorses forceful ultimatums.  
- Florian : Unacquainted as of yet.
- Corrine : He's heard of a tinkerer on campus just doesn't know her yet.