[hider=Manny's Comprehensive List of Squad Targets] Raffaella - [i]Shy, lonely, scardy cat girl, Manny will be kind and help toughen her up! Wait where'd she go? Good recruit for Manny's Squad![/i] Lucius - [i]Manny's house illuminaire, too much stick up not enough butt! Enemy number 1 of Manny's Squad![/i] Anastasia - [i]Kinda cool, but loses points for being illuminaire. Would go to her for help in a pinch. Would let her join Manny's Squad.[/i] Kaspaan - [i]Fellow rebel, good angry boy. Note for later - wear coat before any hugs. Good recruit for Manny's Squad![/i] Leah - [i]Mistook her for a tough-outside-squishy-inside type person, she was not! Enemy adjacent of Manny's Squad.[/i] Lohren - [i]Misguidedly believes her magic matters when it comes to making friends, what a sad girl. Manny will help, she is great at making friends! Good recruit for Manny's Squad![/i] Taegan - [i]Cares too much about meaningless things. So boring. Would let them join Manny's Squad.[/i] Tessa - [i]Terrifying, do not approach.[/i] Primrose - [i]Fine on her own, does not need Manny's help. Would let her join Manny's Squad.[/i] Myrion - [i]Too caught up in what the teachers want, Manny will help him learn to have fun! Good recruit for Manny's Squad![/i] Corrina - [i]Fellow sapphire housemember. Very passionate, Manny loves hearing Corrina talk but it mostly goes over her head. Secretly wishes she cared about something as much as Corrina does. Good recruit for Manny's Squad![/i] Petyr - [i]Fellow sapphire housemember. Confusing, is he a fellow rebel or not? Manny doesn't understand him and that unnerves her. Maybe would let him into Manny's Squad?[/i] Ezekiel - [i]Depressed boy needs Manny's help, the past is lame anyway. Good recruit for Manny's Squad![/i] Fasha - [i]Terrifying, do not approach.[/i] Beatrix - [i]Fellow sapphire housemember. Very happy ball of lightning needs to stop reading about adventures and have one herself, Manny likes her and will help! Good recruit for Manny's Squad![/i] Florian - [i]Fellow sapphire housemember. So cool and smart, Manny would join his squad![/i][/hider] Not actually canon since there's no way Manny would know everybody, but this at least can give a vibe for how Manny might think of the other characters. If anyone does like the idea of our characters knowing each other before the start of the RP (Manny is a first year, but she's been at the academy for several months already) let me know!