[quote=@Mirandae] [@Force and Fury] No worries, I can change Tessa's gift if [@Aeolian] approves Florian's gift. Time magic is always a sensitive subject for several reasons. It's baffling how nobody has chosen Laser Beam Eyes from the gift suggestions. I'll do that for Tessa, though, and the lasers will be PINK. [/quote] [color=7ea7d8]Aeolian[/color] A private message has been sent to Force regarding Florian's gift. [hr] [quote=@Ti] I put a link to all the sheets in my first post ([url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5457432]post #3[/url]) [/quote] [color=7ea7d8]Aeolian[/color] Thank you so much TI. Really appreciate that :) Will make it a lot easier for me to review all the sheets once we start that process.