[hider=Ra'fel's Raffle]Lucius: [color=palevioletred]"Tall, dark, handsome! I see him in the library sometimes! Uses a lot of big words, but he seems like a good listener!"[/color] Anastasia: [color=palevioletred]"So~ pretty and sweet! Lights up the room and gives the warmest hugs! Her healing touch is so handy, I feel so safe with her around!"[/color] Kaspaan: [color=palevioletred]"I know him! He keeps the bullies away and knows how to have fun! I call him Boss Kass! Wha—! Hey, cut that out! You know I get cold easily!"[/color] Leah: [color=palevioletred]"So gorgeous and strong, oh my! Gives me chills and makes me feel safe all at once! ...Eh? W-Workout?! N-No way... Um! Sorry, I gotta go!"[/color] Lhoren: [color=palevioletred]"She's cute! So nice to everyone too! Am I the only one who can see how lonely she is? I have to do something! Oh! By the way, Tessa? What's an onee-sama?"[/color] Taegan: [color=palevioletred]"They seem lonely... Someone who loves animals can't be bad! I should talk to them, but... s-so tall... and s-so scary! EEP!!"[/color] Tessa: [color=palevioletred]"I love her! She's like, literally my lifeline! She's also so chic, and pretty, and pink! Should I say it..? ...You go girl! ...Ugh, that was so embarrassing!"[/color] Primrose: [color=palevioletred]"Animal lovers, unite! I feel bad for taking herbology now! She's so good at it! I wonder if she'll offer to teach me. I'm too shy to ask!"[/color] Myrion: [color=palevioletred]"I tried coffee once—blech! Never again! Also, I feel bad, but! I need to avoid him, for... for reasons! Um, I might—disappear forever, or something!"[/color] Corrine: [color=palevioletred]"I almost feel normal-sized, standing next to her! ...Eh?! N-No, I mean... You have, like, 'tall-person-energy!' It's, uh, infectious? EEK!! I'm sorry~!"[/color] Petyr: [color=palevioletred]"He's cold, but I feel like I understand him. Real, genuine trust is like... well, not diamonds. Those are common. Like... a rare, albino Gupoo! I should get him one!"[/color] Ezekiel: [color=palevioletred]"Oh no! He's cute, he's my age, and... w-we have to work together? No way... EEK!! Y-You heard all that?! I didn't mean it! I mean, I did, but—! AHH!! I'm sorry~!"[/color] Manny: [color=palevioletred]"I kinda admire her independence, but! She's like, my worst nightmare! I can never know where she is! Pots and kettles—whatever! She won't let me be~!"[/color] Fasha: [color=palevioletred]"I mean... of course I like her! She's short like me, and so pretty, but like... in an adult kinda way! She also smells nice, loves to hug, and gives me sweets!"[/color] Beatrix: [color=palevioletred]"Book lover, music lover, animal lover, high energy! Yeah! It looks like she has no connection to her mother..? I must get to the bottom of this!"[/color] Florian: [color=palevioletred]"He seems wise beyond his years, but tends to fall under the radar... just like me! Don't tell anyone, but... I really love dad jokes."[/color][/hider] [color=palevioletred]"Since everyone else is doing it. I mean... I'm not one for peer pressure or anything, okay? It just sounded like fun, that's all!"[/color]