[quote=@Frettzo] Hi! Is this RP still considering new apps? Haven't written in a few months and I'm looking to get back into it! [/quote] Yes, this RP is still open! This is what the GM said about it [quote=@Aeolian] [color=7ea7d8]Aeolian[/color] At this moment, I'll probably be cutting off new applications on Monday to begin reviewing applications with Mirandae. People who have expressed interest before that can still continue working on their sheets if they haven't finished by that point, but if they want a specific role like Illuminaire, then they'll probably be out of the running if we've already accepted someone in that position before they provide their final submission. It would be nice to have final drafts a day or two after Monday, like Wed or Thurs at the latest. That'll also give people enough time to make edits or tweaks based on GM suggestions during the application review process. As for Discord, there is a dedicated Discord space for this RP, but we are waiting to share it after accepting the applicants. :) [/quote]