[quote=@Force and Fury] [i]snip[/i] [/quote] Added Emmelynne to Manny's list of squad targets (which I moved to the same post as her CS so people don't need to dig through posts) - [quote=@jasbraq] I think I found a alternate timeline pic where Fasha is actually a nice person :lol [hider=Nice Fasha?] [img]https://cdn.donmai.us/sample/29/04/__lilun_jaminthida_the_witch_of_ihanashi_drawn_by_puru_ex_150__sample-29041e46415d8708f0ea0e449c50cddf.jpg[/img] [/hider] [/quote] Don't fall for it, Nice Fasha doesn't exist! That's just the Fasha she wants you to see D: - [quote=@Mirandae] I'm open to running anyone's character through Midjourney if you want to! [/quote] I would love a compilation of Mannys to swap through every time she reincarnates if you could! It does seem like you've got quite the backlog to do already, though xD