[hider=Aeolian's Announcement] [quote=@Aeolian] [h3][color=7ea7d8]Aeolain[/color][/h3] Hi! Regarding Gifts, this is more like X-men than harry potter, so if you choose a healing gift, you will only be able to heal people and nothing else. There is combat in this roleplay, but that's only supplementary to the character interactions, narrative, and plots. As such, not every character's gift has to be combat-focused and that's okay. They can contribute in many other ways. There is no base magical prowess or sprawling magic system like in Harry Potter, aside from flight, which everyone has by default. I want the characters to work together like the X-men and overcome adversities without the freebies/dues ex machinas that a world like Harry Potter gives their characters to get out of really tough, nonsensical situations. LOL Edit: And yes, students sometimes have access to items that are powered by your Vitesse, to help supplementarily, but its not a free for all kind of thing. Your gift is your main bread and butter in most situations Hope that answers your question :) [hr] [h3][color=7ea7d8]Aeolain[/color][/h3] [h2]Hi Everyone: Please note that any new interest to join the RP must be made by EOD tomorrow to be considered for inclusion. That's Monday, June 26, Eastern Time. Those applications at the latest, must be submitted by Thursday EOD ET, as myself and Mirandae will have already started reviewing submissions on Monday. Thank you! :) Cheers! [/h2] [/quote] [/hider] Ah, in that case I shall make it known that I am working on a CS currently. I shall attempt to have it posted by the earliest.