I am here. In a similar case to Steel Legion, I've really only consumed media related to D&D alongside reading the manuals and such, and playing games like Baldur's Gate or Icewind Dale, but have never actually played D&D itself. And it's been a while since I've done the former so I'm going to throw out some character ideas and see if any take. First one is, since I love time related powers, either an apprentice Chronoarchitect trying to fix the Time Gate and whatnot or a fully-fledged one joining the party to try and keep the city's timeline stable and keep the shards of the Prism from falling into the hands of those who would use it for less than benevolent ends. Though I can understand if that's off limits given the powers involved, as time manipulation of any sort can be a tricky thing to manage in a roleplay. Second is a wizard of some sort, so long as I can do a more mana or components based system and not the weird bastardization of Vancian magic D&D has. (Vance's magic was alive and had a will and wanted to be used--and its spells could only be held in one's mind for so long--so unless Mystra is forcefully ripping the spells from my character's head after they've been used, I don't really see the need for it.) For this I could see a character coming to the city just to check out the libraries (let alone the faire) only to be caught up in the time travel shenanigans as well. Another idea in this vein is more a wizard who's always too tired to fight at full power, which I think could add some comedy overall. [i]God help their foes if they ever get a good night's sleep though...[/i] The third is a warlock whose patron has sent them to Elysium specifically for the Gate and the Prism, the former having a vested interest in the latter, though for what end nobody knows-- not even the warlock. Of course I can also go with a more standard class and ability set if none of the above works.