[quote=@Alfhedil] Something a little more concise and with links to actual character sheets now. I'll be putting this in at the bottom of Corrine's CS. It's meant to be more in character than the last chart, so a [i]little[/i] less memeing about with it lol. [hider=Corrine Relations Chart] [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5459329]Anastasia:[/url] Healer from Harold and the Illuminaire. Has had a few run-ins with her mostly due to her own accident-prone nature, so her reputation is completely transparent with her. Unsure if she's actually okay with being called Ana, but is certain she would much prefer she doesn't spend several days out of the week in the infirmary despite her protests that it's not just to visit her. Or as insisted: "I would like to insist strongly that I am not doing this on purpose. I actually do not like getting chewed on by things or for my work to literally blow up in my face." Overall pretty keen on the ginger, thinks she's a warm person and reliable. [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5459688]Walter:[/url] A curiousity due to his gift of Alchemy, but as a first year she doesn't know too much about him. Apparently can be a bit opportunistic, but to her so are a lot of mystics. [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5459687]Melle:[/url] Upperclassmen and someone she looked up to in her first couple years at the Academy due to sharing the same house. Feels that she's still a very reliable person despite her more recent lack of drive, just that maybe the high intensity burned her out. Has a gupoo named Sparey Airy and she's sent a few offers of letting their gupoos play together. Is on the short list for people to match with for team-games due to the potential versatility of her hammerspace. [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5458204]Petyr:[/url] Fairly mysterious fourth year of her house, not quite certain of his motivations or how to really read him. Only thing she can be sure of is his interest in Waaga that she does not share, knowing that he's on their house's team and seems to be a little more driven during those activities. Despite that he's never come across as unreliable, even of late with his new friends. [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5459426]Myrion:[/url] Illuminaire with Eusebia and a fellow Gupoo friend with one named Albondiga. Has a reputation for being quite reliable and hard-working, and she can tell he's not like most of the other students from the cities and a little more down to earth, or at least wasn't raised in opulence like [i]some[/i] people. She's been cautioned about putting him on her list for team-games, but she feels the utility of his power drastically outweighs any potential danger. Has also sent a few offers to him for gupoo playdates. [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5459335]Leah:[/url] Highest potential synergy of gifts on her list and one of the only ones she's noted for duos. Has a certain intensity about her but she's rather indifferent to it and regularly offers to spar with her both in combat classes and outside of them. Probably one of the most reliable classmates she can think of. [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5459645]Primrose:[/url] Another unknown quantity, though this time due to the rather severe differences in their chosen fields. Has a Gupoo named Goo though, and despite the divide between their mindsets, has offered for their Gupoos to play together. Overall while she doesn't quite understand her, she knows that Primrose is quite knowledgeable when it comes to herbology and ecological fields and can be relied upon in instances where such is necessary. [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5459711]Lisa:[/url] Another person for the team-games list due to her raw physical ability and her gift. She seems incredibly motivated but only towards things in her interest and can be questionably reliable. Overall the least arrogant noble at the Academy that she's met so far and thinks they could get along well, and while she's up for a spar any time, doesn't exactly look forward to being put on her back on the mats. Has emphatically insisted to avoid her face. [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5459681]Fasha:[/url] Illuminaire and supposedly an incredibly reliable and likeable person, quite a few others profess just as much to her, but can't help but notice a strangeness about her. Hasn't actually had any run-ins directly with her as of yet, but notices a rather pleasant scent that lingers about her at all time and has felt noticeably relaxed in her presence. Someone to be careful around for sure. [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5459330]Kaspaan:[/url] While he seems to be a bit too energetic for her and others, can be pretty chill at times. Sometimes has a bit of a frosty demeanor, and occasionally a little glacial in getting to where he needs to go, but feels he's reliable when necessary. [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5459336]Lhoren:[/url] Seems pretty nice and kind to everyone around her, but has noticed that the girl's gift has unintended consequences like most telepaths. Has to be quite conscious of her thoughts around her which can be draining, and while she feels that she could really use a hug at times, is unsure if it would be wise considering her rather rough memories. [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5459541]Raff:[/url] Another of the first years, and someone else with telepath powers to be careful about, but also so far seeming fairly sweet. Could most definitely use a hug and she's always sure to keep a few candies about for her just in case. Has a gupoo named Pooka that she's attempted to introduce Mr Puff to. Feels a bit of kinship towards her, but isn't entirely sure why.[/hider] [/quote] Good to hear Corrine and Lisa avoid bruising each other's faces whenever they spar! Can't imagine being hit on the face with metal knuckles would be good for an up and coming Noble's reputation lmao