This is for me as much as you all, gotta be the largest cast I've been in. [hider=Kasp's Corner v2] Anastasia: Healer from Harold and the Illuminaire. Also flames. Give her a set of horns and Kasp might just fly to the moon from fright. You didn't hear that ok? Walter: If he needs some lunch money or a scheme Kasp knows where to come knocking. Reminds him of himself when he first arrived. Melle: Reminds him of his dad. Especially the smoke, his second generation Owlette Cigar was named after his father's after all. Aloof, could be useful to know a witch with a bag of tricks and a puff of the strong stuff. Petyr: Used to be a Illumni, now Waaga's? Inquirer needed. Myrion: Illumni that Kasp far too often runs into at the library as he stacks books back on the shelf. Studious, but a bit too rule-bound for Kasp. Leah: Kasp has seen her spar many times from the back of the pack. He's admirable to her skills and envious of her stoic brevity about it all. Primrose: Kasp has been advised to stay away from the greenhouse sooo, not much is known about her except the best books on botany always end up out there. Lisa: A noble, but just. Kasp get's good vibes from her, even though he knows he'd get rocked for any tomfollery. Trepidations and timid smiles around her. Best keep his plots with her on his good side. Fasha: Illuminaire and a confidante of Kaspaan's, he seeks her out(or vice versa lately) for guidance over the more interpersonal skills he lacks. Like who he should really be pranking & bullying. Find her easiest to talk to, and he probably knows why. Lhoren: Fellow Ivar, would most likely mentally fence Kasp. Corrine: Practical in this mystic world, Kasp likes that. Occasionally has Cigar send her little schematics he's drawn up(a library sled would be sick). Manny: Unacquainted Beatrix: Unacquainted Taegan: Usually seen from a far making Kasp squint and yawn, probably a vitesse thing Kasp guesses. The noblest in the nuthouse, but supplied their own books so there is that. Raff: First year Ivar; to be protected at all cost. Tessa: May or maynot relent to the glee club Lucius: Unacquainted Slyvia: Achoo! [/hider]