[quote=@Emeth] [hider=Ra'fel's Raffle, Round 2]Emmelynne: [color=palevioletred]"How easygoing... I wish I could be like that. Wish I had a bottomless bag for sweets, too! She's just the right amount of helpful, fie to her critics!"[/color] Minerva: [color=palevioletred]"HIEEE!! S-Scary! Scary!! Oh, I just can't! P-Please don't turn me into a piggy and eat me! I'll be good, I promise~!"[/color] Tessa, Round 2: [color=palevioletred]"Tessa, what does 'hot for teacher' mean? ...Eh?! N-No no, it's not like that! Um! N-Not that you aren't c-cute! ...F-Forget I said anything! I'm sorry I a~sked~!"[/color] Walter: [color=palevioletred]"He reminds me of my dad, with that workaholic thing going on, but he seems clever enough to protect himself. He seems lonely, though..."[/color] Lisa: [color=palevioletred]"Wow... I didn't think muscles would look good on a girl, but b-boy was I wrong! Ahaha, ha... Hm. I [i]do[/i] wanna find the secret grotto..."[/color] Sylvia: [color=palevioletred]"She's so cute, but independent! I wanna be just like her! Oh, I wonder if she can hear it... S-She'll probably keep my secret! She only likes funny pranks, right?!"[/color] Bonus - Marellian: [color=palevioletred]"Goodness, that's a large family... He's cute! I like his broom! ...Eh? It's not a broom? S-Sorry! I think? Um, what's he trying to say..?"[/color][/hider] [color=palevioletred]"Hey, I didn't forget about you! I've been stuck in detention, feeding all the Owlettes. Um... Who came up with that punishment, again..?"[/color] [/quote] Raffaella is a precious cinnamon roll ^_^