[quote=@Mirandae] [center] [color=A9A8AF] [@Alfhedil] Go ahead and move your character sheet over to the character tab. Once your character art is done, you can add it retroactively; that's when we'll make the character blurb for Corrina too. Aesthetically, it doesn't work without the character art. lol Thanks! [/color] [/center] [/quote] I appreciate the understanding and do hope the suggested revision for her power works well enough for both of you, as I feel it's still pretty close to the intention even if clarified a little more lol. Also I'll be sure to send over the headshot specifically once I get it back from art friendo. Going forward I think if I ever make another character I'll probably just run their appearance through either of you first lmao, save a bit of headache for all parties involved.