[right][b][code]Reception Room[/code][/b][/right]

[b]“-and that’S THE BOTTOM LINE! ‘CAUSE “SHOWTIME” SAID-!”[/b]

The voice of Perry Miller rose again like a shrill phoenix as Lucas Miller turned his headset back on to the continued mania of his father. It was comforting nevertheless distracting the boy from his insecurities.

[colour=yellow]”Dad!”[/colour] Lucas half-yelled and half-whispered down the headset, snapping his father out of his stream of consciousness promo.

[b]”Oh! Luke! Are you all set now?!”[/b] Perry had the fascinating ability to deliver even the most innocuously intended statement or question sound like it was being delivered to an arena full of people. Thankfully, his son was more than used to it by now.

[colour=yellow]”No, Dad. Fights should be opening up soon though.”[/colour] Lucas replied, scanning the events of the reception hall while weaving in and out of nomad traffic. His rhythm was interrupted as he saw the commotion of reporters drift away, leaving behind their former target: Jill Breicen. Free from the shackles of the media, she seemed now to be entertaining an energetic blonde young woman, shaking hands and exchanging plea-.


Jill [i]Breicen[/i].

[b]Jasmine[/b] Breicen…

Lucas let out a low groan, the kind that could only be replicated by a seventy year old with decades of being worn down by the world.

[b]”What’s up, Champ?”[/b] Perry asked over the headset, in a rare moment of picking up on his son’s feelings.

[colour=yellow]”I think I might have made some powerful enemies…”[/colour] Lucas responded, wearily. His strategy to life had been to expect and accept the worst case outcome to anything and everything, no matter how fueled by paranoia or unlikely it may be. 

[right][b][code]Reception Room 

Pa-jiiin thing?

Florian rubbed his chin thoughtfully. Could there truly be abilities unique to him that even his brilliant mind had yet to pick up on? He chuckled to himself. Truly! Entering this tournament was already paying off in terms of experience!

His self-aggrandising thoughts momentarily distracted him as he was confronted by Yazhu’s own self-aggrandising commentary. She was more than happy to talk up her skills, no stranger to it himself (and being woefully naive) Florian was rather impressed by her description and imagery. Enough so that it was a shock to his senses when the girl immediately dropped from erudite to irreverent in promising to show him some “cool stuff”. Namely, one.

A [i]Dao-Bomb[/i]

Florian once again held a hand to his chin and inspected it, face inches away from its surface.


[colour=PaleGreen]”Now, you say bomb…”[/colour] One eye squinted, like a gemologist inspecting every curvature of a particularly precious stone. He leaned back up, his inspection complete. [colour=palegreen]”Is it not just a large rock?[/colour]

His confusion was sincere, before giving way to “understanding”. He laughed, of course she would not be so bold as to drop a “bomb” in the middle of a crowded hall of fighters. He applauded once more.

[colour=palegreen]”Playing your cards close to your chest still, I see! I am disappointed I must concede but; I respect your stratagem!”[/colour] He held out his arm, an [url=https://i.redd.it/2wj4w2kqk5e81.jpg]ornately designed gauntlet[/url] resting over his white glove and beginning to hum slightly with green energy. [colour=palegreen]”I am assured of my victory to such an extent that I have no issue displaying my own skill, if you would permit my indulgence? I am, at the lowest, greatly experienced in several forms of martial arts and a proficient master of many more!”[/colour] A haughty little chuckle, [colour=palegreen]”In fact! Such was my skill that many of the trainers we hired were forced to leave prematurely due to me mastering their lessons in such a short time!”[/colour]

A dramatic flourish as he moved his gauntleted arm close to Yazhu for her to inspect.

[colour=palegreen]”However I’ve had troubles with my ki failing to reach the standards of the rest of my abilities…”[/colour] A rare tinge of sorrow in the normally unflappable voice of Florian Wessington. Snuffed out in under a second as he continued with confident determination. [colour=palegreen]”But, no matter! This device enhances my ki to the level it [i]should[/i] be at, until such time as my natural talent rises and cultivates to meet my standards!”[/colour]

How marvellous it all was! He had not been indulged in a discussion of this depth by anyone until Yazhu, he was having such a wonderful time talking about himself that he failed to notice the unexploded and still very much active Dao-Bomb behind him slowly beginning to roll forward, away from the pair.