
Even though things didn’t go exactly as she had hoped, Ariel was still excited to be in the human world. After becoming a human, the current took her to some place far away called The Empire of the Sun. Nowhere near to where she met Eric the first time. But it didn’t matter. She was certain she would find him again. Besides, she did want to explore the human world anyway!

Apparently humans were willing to pay to hear some singing. After scrounging together some human money from performances on the streets, she had gotten a bunch of new human treasures from human world. Everything she could need for an adventure.

Now she had wandered into a Tavern. As soon as he entered, she was greeted by a older human woman [color=598527]Welcome to Mudka's Mead & Meat Hut, Home of the Mead and Meat. What'll it be?“[/color]

Ariel wasn’t sure how to respond to that question. She looked around, there were a bunch of humans gathered around enjoying food and drink. It was when she saw one human who was sitting alone at a large table, that she knew what to say. [color=93E9BE]“Actually, I’m with him.”[/color] She replied as she enthusiastically walked to the table.

She sat at the table next to the man. It was her first time having an actual conversation with a human! She had to make a good first impression. [color=93E9BE]“Hi… hello… um… what’s the appropriate word to use?”[/color] Suddenly, a shiny object caught her attention. Her eyes widened with excitement. [color=93E9BE]“Oh my gosh! A dinglehopper!”[/color] She picked up the fork, and started brushing her red hair with it. Only stopping when she became aware of several patron’s eyes on her. She smiled sheepishly and put the fork down. [color=93E9BE]“Um… did I use that wrong?”[/color] Was Scuttle wrong about what that object was?
