Now that- that was simply unfair! Why would he have to pay with his life for her mistakes? He could understand a promise of protection from harm. This, however, was nothing even remotely close to reasonable. Not at all. He said nothing while the witch's eyes eagerly scoured his for answers, and felt a slight twinge of pain as her nails buried in his arm. Her grip was tight, a sign he took for desperation - or madness, perhaps. But he had already made up his mind. There was no reason to throw his life in the balance, not to save her skin. Yet in the corner of his eye, he caught the glimpse of a smile that made his resolution waver. [i]Killian Moncreiffe. Of course they brought you here.[/i] Percy clenched his jaw and his grip on the witch grew stronger. Anger welled up inside of him. If Killian was here, agreeing to the unbreakable vow wasn't his decision to make. He cursed himself for not having noticed sooner. [COLOR=WHEAT]"I will…"[/COLOR] He uttered. And with that, let go. The magical constraints snapped into place immediately - forming an ever-present magical knot in the back of his mind. It strongly compelled him to do his duty, for the alternative was death. With the promise that transport to the United States would be arranged, the Wizengamot rose and left their high benches from the back. Several people on the lower benches began to move toward the exit as well, save for a couple. Percy faintly heard the Aurors address Nerissa as they prepared to lead her away - telling her it was time to pack her things- as he turned toward Killian. The man stared at him. The smile never fading. [COLOR=WHEAT]"Why are you here mon frère?"[/COLOR] Percy bit, voice low as a whisper. Killian shrugged. [COLOR=SlateBlue]"I suppose they weren't convinced of your good nature."[/COLOR] Percy knew he meant compliance instead. [COLOR=SlateBlue]"Besides, if you fail, this collective is likely to request my aid instead."[/COLOR] He continued casually as he rose from his seat. [COLOR=slateblue]"Best to be involved from the beginning, rather than require a briefing later don't you think?"[/COLOR] Percy sniffed. [COLOR=WHEAT]"How professional of you."[/COLOR] That was all Killian ever claimed to be. 'Professional.' Yet he had never been able to prove him wrong on that regard. Killian was his age, a man with long reddish-brown hair in a ponytail and a profound jawline. His green eyes were always confident and challenging, making any of his playful smiles taunting. But any wizard who'd let themselves get provoked by it quickly learnt that it wasn't just a charade. Killian was the best duelist Percy had ever met. He was an infamous bounty hunter, one of the few who had refused to become a snatcher in the Second Wizarding War. In recent years, Killian had even resurrected the ancient and notorious [url=]Silver spears[/url], with himself as their head. Twice has had encountered the man, and twice had he lost. No, as far as dueling was concerned, Killian Moncreiffe reigned supreme. Percy didn't doubt the Ministries had brought him here solely because he had a proven record against him. The six Aurors present would've easily been able to subdue him too, but his exceeding reputation was enough to spark doubt among the members of the Wizengamot. [COLOR=SlateBlue]"All this aside,"[/COLOR] Killian began [COLOR=SlateBlue]"I heard you were the one who put an end to Lévêque's carnage."[/COLOR] The smile became a grin. [COLOR=SlateBlue]"Shame I wasn't in Paris. I've always wondered what it was like to fight a two-century old witch."[/COLOR] [COLOR=WHEAT]"It was sheer luck. I wouldn't have survived, had she not lost control of her fiendfyre spell."[/COLOR] The memories sent shivers down his spine. [COLOR=WHEAT]"Only my strongest shield charms were enough to deflect her spellwork, and even those made me blister"[/COLOR] Fighting her had been terrifying. [COLOR=WHEAT]"Killian…"[/COLOR] Percy gave him a thoughtful look. [COLOR=WHEAT]"Do you have any idea what I'm going up against?"[/COLOR] He was an alchemist - he lacked the kind of information network Killian had. Killian rubbed his chin and sighed. [COLOR=SlateBlue]"Not much. The one you're after is, as you know, the older brother of Nerissa here. He's a Wyrmstone too, and their family is notorious for their ties to dark magic, but no one has ever been able to prove it. They are, or were, puppeteers. People who tried to control the wizarding world from the shadows."[/COLOR] He scratched the back of his head. [COLOR=SlateBlue]"But they disappeared shortly after the Second Wizarding War. Nerissa's capture was an unexpected windfall. I didn't realize it was her until I had my wand against her throat."[/COLOR] He admitted with a short chuckle. [COLOR=Slateblue]"Her brother's whereabouts however? Those were a mystery until last Thursday's supper."[/COLOR] He paused. [COLOR=SlateBlue]"The United States. Near Vegas, of all places. That he revealed himself doesn't bode well, that much I can tell you."[/COLOR] Percy nodded. [COLOR=WHEAT]"Thank you. That was really helpful."[/COLOR] A cough drew their attention. It was the older Auror. [COLOR=MEDIUMAQUAMARINE]"Mister Dumas. We've arranged a portkey for you. The prisoner is waiting."[/COLOR] He nodded. [COLOR=WHEAT]"I'll be right behind you.[/COLOR] [@Algarus] [@Posh Raven]