After waking up, Adam prepared and ate a quick breakfast consisting of some of the food he got from Vadim, then cleaned himself up and got his equipment together so he'd be prepared if something happened. It was unlikely given the fact that he was just taking a quick walk to get to where he wanted to be, but this was a strange world and the unexpected was, well, expected. The man didn't encounter any members of his group on his way out of the hotel, which was probably for the best. The Druid had no idea what his destination's operating hours were and if any of them wanted to (deservedly) yell at him or something, he might miss his chance to visit the place entirely. After a short walk, Adam had arrived at the place where he could find the information he wanted; the Earth and Fire Domain Library. Thankfully it was open, and it had a superb design, being made out of clay bricks that look like they were glowing as if they're metal in the process of being forged. Interestingly, they were even warm to the touch, but certainly not harmful. There was also a symbol in the center, located above the curved archway that was the building's entrance; a flower whose stem and leaves looked like a green torch, with the petals resembling a flame. The man was impressed by the structure, but noted with amusement that Eric would say something about the fire flower from the Mario games. Really though, the plant reminded him more of the Statue of Liberty, being much more realistic and serious looking than a Nintendo game usually is. Once he entered, the Druid saw the interior design was more like a classical library, containing wooden shelves holding books as far as the eye could see. The ceiling had an ornate design, featuring bright colors arranged in patterns of different sizes against a black ceiling; Adam realized they were supposed to be fireworks and wondered if this was the way libraries of this sort were usually made. And he also had no idea how he would find what he's looking for, so he went up to the front desk; there, he saw a short, thin elven girl with purple hair and glasses reading a book. The man had no clue how old elves lived to be, but if she were human she would have looked to be in her early 20s. Hearing his footsteps, she looked up at the man. "How can I help you?" she quietly asked. It seemed at least [i]that[/i] part of the library experience remained the same. "Yes, I was wondering if this place had any books about plants from Mytheria?" he politely asked, matching her volume. "Oh, are you an enthusiast or something?" "Something like that, yes. I'm not from here, so any information would be helpful." "Hmm…I think I know where the books that you'd want are, but do you want to see our garden first? There are native plants there and it would be on the way." Probably nothing there that would help in battle, but in this world of many unknown things, they could potentially use lethally poisonous plants as good luck charms or something. Actually, what poisonous plants [i]could[/i] he use in battle? The thought had never even occurred to him, but now it seemed so obvious and-oh, right, can't be rude to this person. "That sounds nice, lead the way, miss…" "Fiona. And you are?" "Adam, it's nice to meet you." The two made small talk until they arrived at the somewhat small outdoor space, located at the other side of the entrance. The plants were decorative, but there were many he had never seen before, including ones that had stripes like candy canes and ones that were holographic like some of Eric's Pokemon cards. In the center, there was a noticeably empty patch of dirt, so the Druid asked Fiona why it was there. "Oh, this garden is often used by Druids practicing their invigorating growth techniques,” she told him. “That patch is where the Firaga Rose is grown. Outside of it’s natural habitat, the volcanoes of Dragonsridge, it barely lasts a day before it burns itself out and dies.” "Sorry to hear that. Wait, was that the plant on the wall outside of the library?" "Indeed. It's so valuable because it contains actual fire. Obviously not something you'd regularly expose a flower to." "Could I try growing it? I seem to have a talent for making plants." Adam pointed to the crystal on his left hand with the other as a way of explaining it. "Well, sure," Fiona reluctantly answered, "but please be careful, and don't be disappointed if you can't do it. It's tough-" Her thought was interrupted, however, by the sight of a growing torch flower right in front of her very eyes. The flower rose up, slightly malformed, but the rose head and the fire inside was in tact. The moment Adam stopped, it burst into flames and disintegrated. “You did that, without even knowing what it was…? Having only seen the symbol at the entrance?” The woman was astonished, but upon seeing her expression, the Druid spoke modestly. "This isn't that big of a deal, really. I'm sure anyone else in my class could do this." “Not even close,” another voice intruded. It was a half-orc man sat by a small table who’d watched everything transpire. Glee Artorius was his name - famed adventurer of the party, True Grade. He blinked a bunch, then said. “By the Mother’s crystal tears, you couldn’t be further from the truth if you tried.”