[img]https://www.rpnation.com/proxy.php?image=https%3A%2F%2Fimg.freepik.com%2Fpremium-photo%2Fgirl-with-green-eyes-green-shirt_852471-12.jpg&hash=4ad9a8db24ce4543da584f5e5487879c[/img] Katelyn (Kate) LeAnne Whims [b]Age:[/b] 11 [b]Birthday:[/b] October 31st [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Sexuality:[/b] Straight [b]Pronouns:[/b] She, Her, Hers, Witch [b]Skin:[/b] White [b]Hair:[/b] Dark Brown [b]Eyes:[/b] Green [b]Height:[/b] 4' 8" [b]Weight:[/b] 98LBS [b]Lineage:[/b] Half-Vampire, Half-Human Vampire Mother (Deceased) Wizard Father (Deceased) [b]Personality:[/b] Quiet, Intelligent, Loner, Introvert [b]Favorite Color:[/b] Green [b]Personal Story:[/b] Lord Voldemort destroyed Katelyn's mother and father, having refused to serve him. Ever since then Katelyn has lived with different Muggle families, finding herself outcasted and feared, especially whenever strange things happen around her. She is eventually admitted to Hogwarts, where Professor Snape takes her under his wing, making her a blood potion to drink whenever she finds herself craving blood. [b]House:[/b] Slytherin [b]Romantic Interest:[/b] Draco Malfoy [b]Pet:[/b] Great Horned Owl [b]Name:[/b] Talon [b]Quidditch Player?[/b] YES [i]Position:[/i] Beater Broom Sent to by Lucius Malfoy: [img]https://images.saymedia-content.com/.image/t_share/MTc0NDYxMTA0MjE3OTkwNTA0/best-brooms-harry-potter.jpg[/img] [b]Favorite / Best Classes:[/b] Dark Arts, Potions, Flying, Transfiguration [i]Elective Classes:[/i] Apparition, Dueling [b]Least Favorite / Worst Classes:[/b] Charms, Divination, Herbology [b]WAND:[/b] [img]https://alivans.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/BLOODWOOD_ZOOM.jpg[/img] [i]Wood:[/i] Bloodwood Bloodwood is a very tropical red wood that is very good for quick reaction, making it a perfect dueling wand. The bloodwood is an excellent stirrer for potions as well. This wand wood is best known for allying itself to dark wizards who perform the dark arts as well as vampires. Bloodwood wands are known for having a dark side. [i]Core:[/i] Vampire Fang Vampire fangs are a very versatile wand core and can be either Dark or Light. The vampire fang has no certain divinity and will choose what its owner chooses as it is a very loyal bond. This core works well with Charms, and Divinations. Often this wand is exceptional for potion stirring. [i]Flexibility:[/i] Solid [i]Length:[/i] 9 1/2 Inches [b]PATRONOUS:[/b] Scops Owl, Unusual (One-of-a-Kind, Unique, Introvert) [img]https://i.etsystatic.com/20281179/r/il/b09ad7/3266072091/il_fullxfull.3266072091_6ehi.jpg[/img]