[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230120/a43c1391d36ad41d7b3afa38147dbe11.png[/img][/center] Have you ever thought 'Man, fuck the sun' as it caused you to awaken earlier than you had anticipated? Welp, that was the exact thought that crossed James Sirius's mind as he finished his morning coffee, thank the gods(?) he had the foresight of asking Frederick if he (or someone else) could bring him some in the morning. Without it, he would have been reduced to his 'Zombie' status until midday or until something happened to snap him out of it, that and, well, it was just a nice touch of normalcy being able to enjoy a cup of good coffee in the morning, no threats and no danger involved, just sheer caffeine and sugar greatness. Finishing his breakfast he started preparing for the day ahead, he had a lot of shit to do for the day, ranging from power testing the new blessings to buying what supplies they might need for the coming quest, checking up on Adam as he was already asleep when he returned yesterday, going back to the temple for the book he asked, checking the Academy and registering Barracker with Second Chance just to name some. A part of him buckled at the thought of having responsibilities to attend even on another world but the more reasonable part of him was just thankful he had something to distract himself with. Once showered and prepared with his accessories in place and Arth- [b][i]his[/i][/b] anchor safely wrapped around him he made his way downstairs. As he descended it became apparent only Mac and Zell were on the first floor, the rest of the party likely still asleep or doing their own thing, approaching them he just gave them a quick [color=6ecff6]"Good morning guys"[/color] before beelining for the door, he had told Barracker that he would give him an answer today so better search fo- His though sputtered and died as he exited the Mended Drum and noticed his target laying against the building in front of the Inn [color=6ecff6][i]"Well that's convenient"[/i][/color] Waving to the masked man he approached [color=6ecff6]"Hey Barracker! I was just about to search for you"[/color] Now how to disclose the news? [color=6ecff6]"I talked with the other guys and they were glad for you to join our party -name's Second Chance by the way- so if you want we can head to the guild to get you registered right away"[/color]