[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/D9OBI9j.png[/img][/center] Sat at the table with her legs crossed, braiding her hair into a ponytail, MacKensie was humming a tune to herself, thinking she was all alone. She jumped slightly and froze when she heard the groan, looking over to the corner of the room where the noise came, her fingers mid-braid as she watched the tables and chairs move around, before none other than Zell Brooks arose. Spell broken, she finished her hair, a trace of a smile and shake of her head as she watched him sleepily realise he wasn't alone either. [Colour=Pink]"Good morning,"[/colour] she greeted in return. It beggared belief to imagine how much drinking the man had done to end up sleeping under the table last night. When he disappeared up the stairs, she sighed exasperatedly. [Colour=Pink]"My Lord, what a blockhead,"[/colour] she muttered, then two notes of a giggle left her lips. When Frederick came with her food, she smiled graciously at him and thanked him as he put the plate down, then picked up her knife and fork and tucked in. Rampant hunger gave her a strong urge to wolf the food down quickly but table manners wouldn't allow it, now that Zell had sat down. When he asked if she'd slept well, she responded with a [Colour=Pink]"Mm,"[/colour] covering her mouth with her fingers as she finished what was in her mouth before replying properly. [Colour=Pink]"Very well, as a matter fo fact. It was so nice to have a proper bed under a roof, this time. And you?"[/colour] She took another bite as she listened to his response. When James appeared, she gave him a smile. [Colour=Pink]"Good morning, James."[/colour] It seemed he had business to attend to - business that likely included their new party member, Barracker. MacKensie was reminded how glad she was that they were getting some help. [Colour=Pink]"Do have anything planned for today, Zell?"[/colour] At whatever point that Zell recieved his food and took a bite, she would smile. [Colour=Pink]"Good isn't it? We French call it 'Croque Madame.' It is commonly served with toasted brioche bread. I am just glad that this world has something [i]resembling[/i] our foods, at least."[/colour]