[center][url=https://fontmeme.com/fallout-new-vegas-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230112/f7d774d3ec20946c1b1c06b083a1b2cd.png[/img][/url][/center] "Slept like a log, doll." He stretched his neck to one side again. "Got a crook in me neck for it, but still..." He said hello to James and watched the man zoom off out the door. "There goes a man with things to do," he commented. His stomach growled and he looked over at the backroom door, hoping Frederick would manifest in the frame through the Englishman's sheer will and desire. It didn't work, much to Zell's disappointment. MacKensie distracted him, drawing his attention. "Plans for the day? Hmmm..." He interlocked his fingers behind his head. "Well, I need to get that sword appraised. You know, the one I picked up from the prick who killed Clive? I was thinking; it's probably magic or something - powerful - so I'll get it checked out, see what's up with it. It's a katana. Looks of elven craft, but I'm not so sure because of the black steel blade and hand-guard... doesn't seem like the elves to me." He shrugged. "Don't ask me how I know all this about swords and elves... I have no idea myself... but I'm pretty sure it's worth looking into. An arcance blacksmith should know more. I'll look for one in the city." Frederick came with his breakfast. "Frederick, my mate. I love you," he said as he looked eagerly at the plate set down in front of him. "Cheers boss." Then he continued his conversation with MacKensie. "After that, my schedules empty." Unlike the ever-prim MacKensie Trydant, graceful in her eating as she was in everything else, Zell did not require a knife and fork. He picked up the toasted sandwich of ham, cheese and egg with both hands and took a massive, audible chomp. It was delightful. [Colour=Pink]"Good isn't it?"[/colour] "I'm in heaven, darlin," he replied, mouth full. [Colour=Pink]"We French call it 'Croque Madame.' It is commonly served with toasted brioche bread. I am just glad that this world has something resembling our foods, at least."[/colour] His eyebrows raised, impressed as he took another massive bite. He thought French food consisted of all crossaints and frogs legs. Thankfully he didn't speak with his mouth full again. "Oh, I bet brioche bread would be perfect with this," he agreed. "Back on campus, we'd buy loads of brioche buns and just [i]live[/i] on bacon-egg buns for breakfast. Loved em." He'd nearly finished already, and was tempted to ask Frederick for another. "What are you up to today?" he asked the Ranger.