[center][abbr=Ace Cadet][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190924/544c85ab5c75bc61a4bb5ce40dc0caa6.png[/img][/abbr]
[color=salmon]Word Count: 587 (+1 exp)[/color]
[color=salmon][u]Level[/u]: [b]9[/b] - [u]Total EXP[/u]: 225/90
[b]Location:[/b] Edinburgh MagicaPolis[/color][/center]
[i]Earplugs.[/i] It felt like it'd been a while since the Ace Cadet had fought with something that could made a sound that loud, so the first thought he had after the dark beast's scream was a self admonishment. [i]Should have made some! Can't believe I'm this rusty after only a few days.[/i]

The Cadet rolled to a stop with his feet underneath him, standing up in order to get right back into the action. In such a short amount of time the situation had already started to spiral, with the the Revenant's blasts and Paarl's thrashing destroying the architecture around them. Probably should have seen that coming. The Cadet rushed in to try and get Paarl's attention and mitigate the damage, but he was met with a vicious swipe that sent him hurdling away once more.

He recovered quickly, though not quick enough to even think about preventing the mage's death. He'd looked away before it'd even happened, while the fireball was being cast.

Big Band was right. But they were in the middle of a city, was there any place they could drag the fight to prevent civilians from getting involved? The man seemed determined to find one as he zipped off through the streets. Taking just a moment to collect himself the Cadet chased after Big Band and the detective's undead pursuers. His rigging was extended to its fullest, the crimson blades on the edge of them slicing through skeletons on the route that weren't already crushed underfoot by Paarl. After a couple of turns and many more seconds it was clear the Cadet was no where near fast enough to keep up, so he took to using a higher path. He displaced snow as she slid to a stop and aimed the slinger up. It caught the lip of a roof and hauled the hunter skyward. 

He spotted Lucia and Albedo ahead of him once he was moving over the buildings instead of around them, and he dropped down into the area a couple of beats behind them. He took the liberty of healing the team of the wounds they'd gathered so far, throwing a hand into the air and spreading the lifepowder in it over the group. 

The arena Band had found was creepy as hell, but perfect for the situation considering. The Cadet took a steadying breath. All the magic and the walking dead were slowly wearing on him mentally, but so long as he focused he could get through it. They had to find Linkle. Plus he would never be able to live it down if he couldn't even do his job and hunt one large monster. [i]The Vaal Hazak is way nastier than this thing,[/i] he thought to himself.

He glanced at Big Band and the others and gave them a nod. [color=salmon]"To right back where they came from, into the ground!"[/color]

Once more he moved to engage Darkbeast Paarl. He separated from his allies and banged obnoxiously on his shield a few times to draw its ire. As he got closer the mini cannon batteries on his rigging swiveled forward to start unloading on the monster. He braced himself for lightning, trusting his shield to withstand its claws so long as he had it raised. His intent was to give his fellow Seekers enough time and space to ready themselves for battle or else deal with the Revenant. And as soon as he had an opening himself, Paarl would be feeling the full force of the Shoryugeki shield uppercut.