[center][h1][b][color=gold]Lillianna[/color][/b][/h1][/center] The night had been eventful in its own manner of speaking, at least before she'd finally gotten to her bed. But that was a tale to be recollected at another time. When she had finally gone to bed and tried to get some sleep, the mage found herself splendidly if not exhaustively tired and ready for sleep. The simple sheets and matress were enough for her, compared to the sleeping bag she'd used on occasion back home when she couldn't rest in her bed. Yet this wasn't home, admittedly, but exhaustion kept such thoughts mostly at bay as she'd curled up with her pillow and held it close in her sleep. Even if for just a bit, she was out of all of the crazy events and so forth that had been going on with and around her. One moment being on a beach, the next impaled by a cyborg water ninja, and the next she was bringing an accursed magical object to an academy after waking up and nearly blowing up two people at a hospital in a magical world. So...yes, it had been a lot thus far for her to say the very least. Yet by the time morning had come, the sun creaking over the horizon once more as it seemed apt to do even in Mytheria, the mage was a hair-tousled mess lying there in her bed and piled-on sheets as her 'mage clothes' sat to the side in a rough pile on the floor. A mess that, had her uncle seen it, would have been entirely normal for the academic without skipping a beat. Instead of an uncle popping his head in, however, a curious younger-looking maid would slowly crack open the door and peek her head in. [color=gold]"Mhmm...hmm....nooooo, I don't wanna babysit...."[/color] The talking audible just on the other side of the door had made the younger-looking woman curious enough to at least pop her head in to see if the room's occupant was actually awake. She was to go gather clothes for washing from customers in the inn, as had been her job for about six months now, but whoever the mage in the room was she seemed especially talkative in her sleep. Tentatively she stepped into the room, her long and pointed ears barely brushing the door as she tried to at least be gentle about things, before clearing her throat and attempting to call out to the sleeper. She had to ask before simply grabbing someone else's clothes, after all. "M-Miss? Ahem. Miss Mage?" The sleeper seemed to turn over, but no response or waking up it seemed. She would try to same call again a little louder, but also to no avail. Then letting out a small sigh, even if a minutely annoyed one, the maid would grab a spare pillow that had made its way to sit next to the door somehow before lightly throwing it at the sleeping mage's exposed and slightly drooling face. ... ... ... Yet safe to say, the end result of spooking the slumbering Lillianna led to a loud phrase and boom waking up whoever was in the neighboring rooms...and beyond that probably. [center][b][color=gold]"LIGHTNING BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLT!!!"[/color][/b][/center] It also led to the newer maid getting both an earful and then a calming pat on the back in turn from the older hand who managed herself and the other cleaning maids, at least after she managed to put out the small room fire, gathered the mage's clothes with permission, and then made it back to her peers who were likewise washing clothes and such. Waking an adventurer like that? That was something only the newbies seemed to make a mistake of doing, despite being taught and advised to avoid doing so for safety reasons. Many working the role of cleaning maid and otherwise in the inn had learned quickly enough that it was dangerous to both them and the very inn itself, though the inn itself had seen enough adventurers pass through over the years there to at least have a plan of action for such a case. ...Though the mage did insist on paying three extra silver to the inn for helping with the luckily minor repairs, even though she wasn't asked for it, and wound up tipping the maid she'd nearly fried another three silver for her troubles after apologizing profusely to her as well. After getting clean clothes back in turn, however, Lillianna would hastily thank the maid once more before qwuickly attempoting to leave the room. She was trying to compose herself a bit better this time, or so Lillianna hoped silently to herself at least, but also to maybe get something to eat or the like. Yet the voice of the same elven maid hit her ears once more, though this time it sounded slightly more amused than 'oh my word is that a fire did i almost get hit by lightning' tone it had been a small while ago. Perhaps the behavior of the one who had nearly turned her into crispy elf was somehoow entertaining? It still felt embarassing enough to the twin-element mage regardless, though she was glad the maid had endeed up ok and that she herself had reigned back the power she'd been initially putting in that lightning blast to boot upon seeing a harmless person in front of her reflex-reaction-spell. "Miss, we also have a washroom for you to clean up in, if you'd like. I can show you there as well, if you'd like." The red-faced twin-element mage suddenly stopped in her tracks, her staff gripped a little tighter than nessecary in her hands still, before taking a slow deep breath, relaxing her grip on her staff a little, and then turning back around. [color=gold]"I...I would like that. Yes. If you do not mind."[/color] Quick silver eyes looked back at her with the same mild amusement now, though as the elven maid's slender face softened a bit into a smile Lillianna felt a small bit of pressure or tension release in the process. Her pale white skin seemed to be different than how the leader of the Adventurere's Guild had looked at least. A different kind of elf, perhaps? Held herself too well and upright to seem like a normal person either, but the mage had no idea for sure in all honesty. The elven maid ultimately, however, walked over and put a reassuring hand on her shoulder before motioning for her to follow along in the hall. "Certainly. It will be just this way, Miss, but...please do take the time to relax once we get to the showers, ok? If naught else for your own sake I believe... ...Hehe." A small chuckle at the end appended the rather formal sounding tone of the elven maid with something else, though the mage had no idea what. At the same time, she tried to breathe slowly and continue the effort to cool those nerves of hers as she silently nodded and followed along in turn. If the inn and maid were letting it go, then she ought to herself as well. Right? Even the hospital had been prepared for such things, and she needed to better control herself and her seemingly new habit of panic-prone surprise magic use at that. Yes! So in that vein she just needed to relax, let a nice and hopefully hot shower help her as well to boot. ... ... To her relief, the showers would turn out to be something quite nice in her book. Simple, yes, but with enough hot water to really just soak it all in and give her time to let the sunlight coming in from the small glass pane above her in the showers to warm her up. Though it did seem they separated two washrooms, one for men and one for women, with each on a different side of the inn to seemingly keep it all separated rather neatly. Even the rooms themselves were nice, though with buckets and water and showers and even hot water being availible it felt like some odd blend of anime or Japanese practice and a massive western-style bathroom like the ones from back home. Kind of? It was all just the closest she could try to define and compare it all to off-the-cuff, but at least the privacy of the individual showers within the Women's Washroom had been nice in her book. Even the maid she'd nearly friend had gone to simply touch up her clothes for after she took a shower at that, and had left a note simply telling her to 'relax' on them too as Lillianna had found out after she'd gotten out of the shower and found her already-cleaned clothes neatly folded where she'd stored them. And...for a moment, she nearly chuckled at the message as well. At least it put a smile on her face, as silly as the extra reminder was. But perhaps that was the point of it all. Whatever the case, the mage would pull her clothes on, before extending a hand out to the side and into the air once she had some more space around her. The thing would zip from where it leaned against the wall, luckily with no one in the way between it and its master, landing in the extended left hand of Lillianna comfortably as the mage couldn't help but let a small grin come onto her face as she looked at it. A staff that zipped into her hands at her beck and call? It was...actually pretty cool. Really cool even, almost as much as having and using real magic! But she also had no idea what the staff was either, and that was yet another question on her already-loaded plate as it was. Yes it was a magical staff that came to her hand, but where had it come from? How did it get into the coffin she'd arrived in? Etc. [center][sub][i]*RUMBLE GRUMBLE RUMBLE*[/i][/sub][/center] Ah. At the behest of her somewhat irate stomach, and before it could try to stage a strike against her out of hunger, the mage would make her way down to the bar to try to get something to eat. Whaever it was they served here at least. The mixture of things she was seeing certianly made her wonder, though upon seeing Zell and MacKensie sitting at a table she would walk over with her staff in hand to the duo. Though she hadn't been perhaps the most overtly 'happy' person before, even now she had to admit she felt a bit happier after cleaning up and putting on clean clothes for sure. Enough for a small smile to be on her face still, without her realizing it, at least. [color=gold]"Ah, may I join you both here? I must confess I am a tad famished and-"[/color] [center][sub][i]*RUMBLE GRUMBLE RUMBLE*[/i][/sub][/center] That time it was audible enough for Zell and MacKensie to hear potentially, putting a light flush in the mage's cheeks for a moment before she let out a small sigh of exasperation. She needed to get food in her, and much sooner than later at that.