[Center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230630/dbab70c9b1cdcc2c03d8d06889f71821.png[/img][/center] Barracker felt like a victim to the sun as if he was water, boiling away. Sweat started to form on his face, he took his mask off and wiped his brow then donned his mask again. It was early in the morning as he waited for James. His eyes were drawn to the door of ‘The Mended Drum’, as he noticed the door open a couple of times but James was not one of them. But these did resemble adventures due to the clothes. He rose to his feet and walked round the bench and leaned against the building next to his weapons. He wondered if this whole idea of Areleth’s wouldn’t end in disaster. Looking out for people wasn’t on the list of priorities as he was used to working alone, never mind having people to call companions. Especially now he was a vampire. Barracker looked to the sky, lost in his thoughts, speculating the prospect. [color=green]“Hades, is this a good idea? If so, then please give me a sign,”[/color] he muttered ever so quietly to himself. Sometime later James appeared. Barracker put his equipment back on his back, and took his mask off, greeting the cleric. [color=6ecff6]"Hey Barracker! I was just about to search for you"[/color] Barracker nodded. [color=green]“I thought i’d come to you.”[/color] Barrackers tone was friendly. At least about as friendly as a social outcast gets. [color=6ecff6]"I talked with the other guys and they were glad for you to join our party -name's Second Chance by the way-[/color] [color=green]“Second Chance,”[/color] Barracker blurted out. He mentally smiled, it was almost too perfect. If anyone needed a second chance it was Barracker, although the paladin probably wouldn’t admit that to himself. Hades had a funny way of giving him the sign he was looking for. [color=6ecff6]-so if you want we can head to the guild to get you registered right away"[/color] Barracker nodded in agreement, [color=green]“Lets go.”[/color] The big anchor on James’ back drew the paladin's interest, but he did not ask about it. In fact, as they walked the streets Barracker did not start any conversation at all. James seemed like a normal guy but it was strange that there was no visible reaction to his vampiric face. Not last night, nor this morning. Did the man not care? Or did he just not know? Barracker was puzzled at the idea and felt he would need to address it. So when they arrived outside ‘The Adventurers Guild,’ he touched the cleric's shoulder. [color=green]“James, wait…”[/color] Barracker paused briefly. [color=green]“I live with the affliction of vampirism.” He looked for a reaction. “You are not in any danger, I can assure you. I just thought you should be aware. People generally don’t take too kindly to my condition.”[/color] If there were no problems then he would follow James’ lead and go through the registration process.