"Ah, the Triumvur will be disappointed that the Ambassador will not be available to dine with her," I sighed, pleased to be able to get the credit for an invitation that need never be honored. I was not particularly loyal to Imelda, she was not as yet paying me, this was more along the lines of a job interview, but I was a professional and it seemed likely to be more profitable than posing for oil painting for an admittedly talented old perv. "I will say you made quite the impression in the street," I agreed, perching on the edge of a desk and twirling a lock of hair around one finger. "One might make a joke about it being bad form for ambassadors to lie down BEFORE they receive their bribes," I snickered. "They tell me that you are a Warrior Priest," I continued, eager to prolong the conversation, my pretext for being here, and my possible access to the excellent wine which stocked the bar. "We are told that the Priests of Sigmorr are all fiercesome warriors, is that true?" I continued, then laughed coquettishly. "I am sorry, I have not introduced myself, I am Camilla de la Trantio," I told him, looking the handsome priest up and down appraisingly. "I have not been told your name Senor Priest," I admitted.