[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/tfV5JeK.png[/img] Level 8: 07/80 Word Count: Location: Home of Tears Points Gained: 1 NEW EXP balance--- Level 8: 08/80 [/center] [hr] — Everyone did their part in fighting monsters or dishing out damage. Jesse avoided a few attacks and noticed that when she did get hit, it hurt in an…interesting way, and she flashed like she was in a video game. Weird! Fortunately, it didn’t matter. If Pizza Head wasn’t dead, well, he was certainly giving up. Jesse couldn’t help but wince and suppress a laugh as Nadia and Bowser quite frankly beat the shit out of him. “Shit, guys. I think you got him.” “So, yeah, I guess he’s still alive?” Jesse pondered Pizza Head. “It’s not like I haven’t seen a dead body before, but…people turn to ash, here. That’s peculiar. But, hey, we got the Mask Piece.” She gave Nadia a thumbs up. “Good work everyone. Koopas. Good stuff. Everyone. Yes.” She clapped her hands together and did another pair of thumbs up. She went to the cliff and set her hands on her hips, staring at the ruined city and massive vista below. Descending had always been exceptionally easy for Jesse since she got her powers. Ideally she would just be able to float down and shoot at anything that got in the way of her flightless teammates. It was, however, a nice view. “A ruined city. Recently, too? It’s hard to tell if that city is a thousand years old or only a few months old. I suppose technically it’s both.” Jesse mused. “There’s no culture, no context, for any of this. It’s just a big LEGO set.” Jesse complained. “I would love to see all this amazing stuff in the places they are supposed to be in, with the people who are supposed to live in it. Until then, though…” She kicked a rock off the ledge and watched it plummet. “Not bad. I’ll take what I can get.” “Ooor I could entertain myself by blowing shit up and making shit up.” Jesse said, squinting over at the Koopa troop. “Is any of that stuff actually useful?” She asked with a laugh. “Maybe?” She watched a glider plummet over the edge. “Not that one.”