Kian Cran'Darak didn't sound like much of an Imperial name to me, but then if they insisted on calling people Hollyman Von Strudeldorf who could be sure? I was on the verge of accepting his invitation to dinner when I heard a commotion outside. A moment later the door flew open and an angry looking man with a ramrod straight back and moustaches oiled to a point so fine they would probably have drawn blood. Guy Du Ponce was dressed in a silken tunic of green slashed with white, with red silk leggings and the pointed shoes that were currently the fashion. The Brettonian Ambassador drew a silken glove from his hand and tossed it to the ground, the soft fabric making rather less of an impact than he might have hoped for. "I demand satisfaction!" he declared in barely intelligible Tilean. "My country and my king have been maligned and I shall not stand for it!" I felt my stomach lurch, aware that I was bout to become party to a major diplomatic incident and Imelda was unlikely to vouch that I had been there on secret business for her. I gauged the Brettonian's mood and then bent down and picked up the glove, tucking it into the red cummerbund I was wearing. Guy's eyes bulged like a frog. "I accept," I declared with a flourish. His eyes narrowed. "The challenge is not meant for you ....signoritta," he sneered, making it clear signoritta wasn't the word he meant. "Never the less it is accepted," I persisted, lifting my chin stubbornly. "Knights of Brettonia do not fight trollops!" he snapped in exasperation, but I was ready for it and slapped him across the face with his own glove. "So you are backing out of a challenge, that means I win?" I persisted. His face was beat red now and he glanced at Kian as though expecting some kind of help. Whatever he imagined wasn't forthcoming and the awkward seconds dragged on. With a hiss he spun on his heel and stalked out of the room. "Pistols!" I called after him, then "No! Crossbows!" But the Knight had already vanished. I tapped his glove against my hand as I watched him go. "Perhaps it is better that we eat outside of the palace tonight," I suggested.