[right][b][code]Reception Room

Apologies and self-persecution poured forth from the mouth of Lucas Miller as he once again found himself swerving through a crowd of nomads. However his previously experienced and deft movements were now sluggish and unsure as he continued to beat himself up over how he’d performed socially. Even [i]he[/i] wasn’t normally that skittish.

Things weren’t helped by the growing restlessness amongst the competitors eager to begin the tournament. Words and curses spat at one another, barely kept from sparking into a wildfire due to the threat of disqualification before the show had even begun. All of it contributed to the ever-weakening nerve of Lucas Miller. Striking out with a pretty girl, tempers flaring, a bomb in the air, the heat of Brazil.



The explosion sent Lucas into a fearful tailspin, like a deer hearing a branch fall from several miles away. Surprisingly, few of the other nomads seemed particularly bothered as a sandy blonde young man blasted a stone bomb out of the air of the hall - no doubt wrapped up in their own megalomania and posturing - but Lucas certainly did.

He stumbled back, colliding with several nomads only to offer a mile-a-second apology while continuing to flee. At a certain point you needed to draw the line, needed to acknowledge when enough was enough. Lucas had long since drawn that line but his will had plummeted to depths even he wasn’t aware existed as he frantically began looking for the arena exit. He could feel the wind guiding him, could feel escape on his fingertips as he moved with reckless abandon.

[colour=yellow]”Sorry!”[/colour] As he narrowly avoided collision with a Greco-Roman gladiator.

[colour=yellow]”SORRY!”[/colour] As he dusted past the wings of a half-man-half-bat creature.

[colour=yellow]”I’M SO SORRY!”[/colour] As he ducked beneath the walking armoury, equipped with enough armaments to depopulate a small town.

But there it was, freedom at last. The beckoning light of the Brazil sun peaking through the doorway. Lucas made a mad dash, mentally preparing the quickest route from the airport all the way back to Philly. But then…


Lucas’ speed had him crash right into a short red haired fellow. While the redhead themselves seemed none worse for wear, Lucas was sent right on his ass, already spilling out apologies in a well rehearsed terror.

[colour=yellow]”I’MSORRYI’MREALLYSORRYITWASTHEREWASIWASIWASTRYINGTOI’MSORRYI-I-I-!”[/colour] He paused, opening his eyes slightly which had been preemptively closed - expecting a strike of reprisal. [colour=yellow]”Oh, hey, I know you.”[/colour] His fear had briefly given way to recognition. He [i]did[/i] know this person.

Skyler Belsky. Justice Rider Lancer. You know? Justice Rider? Like the sister of the girl Lucas had just been bombing in front of and now most certainly hated him like everybody else.

Lucas shakily got back to his feet, concern seeping back in, at least he hadn’t seemed to have hurt Skyler, but that hardly mattered to some nomads.

[colour=yellow]”I-I-I- I really am sorry, I- I was just lea-”[/colour] Hm. No. Can’t just crash into them and then bow out, that would absolutely escalate to violence. [colour=yellow]”I- I- I’m just a r-really big f-fan. [i]heh heh[/i]. I… I c-can’t believe it’s [b]you[/b]!”[/colour] There we go. Play to the ego. Smooth things over with some terror powered flattery. Truthfully, Lucas wasn’t really a big fan of the Justice Riders show (It was a bit too schlocky, even for him. Plus the over-reliance of cgi lately had turned him off altogether.) but that didn’t matter! When motivated by an incredibly powerful persecution complex, you can bullshit about pretty much anything.

Lucas held out his hand, shaky from adrenaline and nerves. [colour=yellow]”M-my name’s Lewi- Lucas! My name’s Lucas M-miller.”[/colour]

[right][b][code]Reception Room 
[@Wikkit],[@Punished GN][/code][/b][/right]


It really [i]was[/i] a bomb this whole time! Florian could only lament how his chums were missing out on this experience, so much he had learned in such short order!

Florian couldn’t help himself, applauding and laughing in a way that suggested enjoyment at Yazhu’s concern and Justin’s indignation but could not be further from the truth. He felt more like a learned scientist discovering an entirely new element. As, of course, opposed to a foppish twit who had seen an explosion.

He adjusted the Basilisk System - which Yazhu had so graciously, and correctly, fawned over moments ago - and went to join the hubbub.

[colour=palegreen]”Come now, friends!”[/colour] He began with an air of diplomatic sophistication. [colour=palegreen]”Crisis has been averted! Thanks to the craftsmanship of the delightful stone/ball hybrid and the quick skill of this man and android hybrid before us!”[/colour] He could feel the words pouring forth him like spiced honey, even finding [i]himself[/i] beguiled by his own finely bred charm!

Florian produced a small white handkerchief with “F.W” monogrammed on the corner and began lightly dusting off the scuff marks left on Justin by the dao bomb’s explosion, laughing off Yazhu’s befuddled expression and gesturing towards him in regards to Justin. Very gracious!

[colour=palegreen]”Apologies are in order, however. Merely a demonstration gone awry! As the party of great stature, it falls to myself to take the blame, I do hope you’ll forgive this indiscretion.”[/colour] He stood up, running his free hand through his fringe. There it was! Those damn sparkles yet again!!

[colour=palegreen]”Now, with that unpleasantness hopefully behind us, let us start afresh with introductions! You likely know myself as Florian Wessington, son of Daniel Wessington and heir to distinguished weapons corporation: Minerva! This extremely talented little girl is Yazhu Kuang, immortal Taoist!”[/colour] Florian’s speech never wavered, but he took a moment internally to really appreciate how much he was nailing this introduction. [colour=palegreen]”May you indulge us with your own title, my friend?”[/colour]