[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/D9OBI9j.png[/img][/center] Dabbing her mouth with a napkin, she fought a smile as he spoke. She could just imagine him and his frat-boy friends all lounging about, stuffing their faces with piles of bacon-egg sandiwches, then heading to the gym or something. Her sorority was, expectedly, quite different. And she was much more strict with her dietary regiment due to being an athlete. Aside from her exploits in the sport of archery, her highschool life had contained track and field, not to mention ballet. Taking care of her body was just a natural habit, at this point. She had no idea whether or not Zell played any sports, but it was an easy guess that he liked the gym, at least, looking at him. So, [i]he[/i] was also studying at the time of his death. Just like her. She was about to ask which degree he was studying for but he asked a question of his own first. "What are you up to today?" [Colour=Pink]"Well, I think I'd like to do some walking around - explore the city of Valhiem,"[/colour] she said. She thought about the incredible views she'd seen on the way up the mountain, yesterday. [Colour=Pink]"It is a beautiful place. And if we are to be here for the forseeable future, we should probably know our way around better."[/colour] In the corner of her eye, she saw another of their group had come down. She greeted her with a smile. [Colour=Pink]"Good morning, Lillianna."[/colour] [color=gold]"Ah, may I join you both here? I must confess I am a tad famished and-"[/color] The loud rumble of the wizard's stomach made MacKensie's eyebrows raise joyfully. [Colour=Pink]"So it would seem,"[/colour] she replied with quiet chuckle. [Colour=Pink]"Come, sit. Did you sleep well? The pillows were soft, were they not? I was quite satisfied."[/colour] She waited for the answer, nodding as she listened with a welcoming smile. The frenchwoman's usual disposition was welcoming and sociable but perhaps she was overdoing a bit here as she guessed that the shy wizard might be having a little trouble socializing with them all. For one thing; she'd just asked to join them both and something about her demeanour suggested that she wasn't simply going through the motions of etiquette - as if she actually wasn't sure what the answer would be. But more than this, Lillianna had been somewhat on the edge of the group since they'd left Hommas, so it felt like, to MacKensie. Quiet and unassuming, sat in her home-made shelter all evening their first night here, then alone at the bar the second evening, even when Zell and MacKensie were right there nearby. Of course, there was nothing wrong with a person liking their own company - nothing wrong at all - but if there was a chance that Lillianna was simply struggling with including herself more, then MacKensie would try to help her. [Colour=Pink]"Zell and I were just telling eachother our plans for the day. I was going to have a walk around the city, enjoy the sights, maybe take some lunch at a restaurant if I find a good one. And then I have some shopping to do as I [i]simply will not[/i] live with only a single change of clothes."[/colour] She chuckled at her own spoiledness and entitlement. [Colour=Pink]"Perhaps you would like to join me. Enjoy some girl-time. What do you say?"[/colour] When she got a chance, she also said to Zell, [Colour=Pink]"Oh, I meant to ask; What were you studying at university?"[/colour] If he asked her: [Colour=Pink]"Sociology."[/colour]